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I have a map of considered as thresholds to classify a list of Doubles

我有一个 的映射,被认为是对双打列表进行分类的阈值

HashMap map = new Hashmap<>();

The Doubles of the hash is used as threshold to classify a list doubles given, so I want to transform this map into a list of classes A, B, C, D


Class A : from 0.7
Class B : from 0.4 to 0.7
Class C : from 0.3 to 0.4
Class D : from 0.1 to 0.3
Class E : less than 0.1

Do you have any idea on how to perform that as a method StringClassifyByValue(HashMap map, Double value){} returning a String of the class correspondent of the value given as parameter?

您是否知道如何执行该方法StringClassifyByValue(HashMap map,Double value){}返回作为参数给出的值的类对应的String?

ِExample :

this.StringClassifyByValue(map,0.5) have to return B.


2 个解决方案



Some thoughts: first of all, your data structure is not really helping with the problem you want to solve. But that is exactly what data structures exist for: to give you a helpful abstraction that allows you to efficiently solve your "most important" problem.


Coming from there, I would suggest that you start by creating classes that better fit your problem statement. You could start with something like


public class Interval {

   private final double lowerBoundary;
   private final double upperBoundary;

   public Interval(double lowerBoundary, upperBoundary) {
     this.lowerBoundary = ...

   public boolean contains(double value) {
     return (value >= lowerBoundary) && (value <=upperBoundary);

And instead of keeping of using a Map you rather have something like List> where:

而不是保持使用Map 而不是像List >那样:

  • Pair could be a class that simply holds two values that belong together (instead of using a "generic" pair class, you could also create your own custom class that combines a Classification with an Interval).
  • Pair可以是一个只包含两个属于一起的值的类(而不是使用“泛型”对类,您也可以创建自己的自定义类,它将分类与Interval结合起来)。

  • Classification represents a "class", like A, B, C, in your example. The point is: be careful about using raw String objects for such purposes. Maybe a simple string is fine for now, but maybe you have to further enhance your logic later on - to then find that "hm, now a simple string doesn't do any more, but now I have to update a ton of places to change that".
  • 在您的示例中,分类表示“类”,如A,B,C。关键是:小心使用原始String对象用于此类目的。也许一个简单的字符串现在很好,但也许你必须在以后进一步增强你的逻辑 - 然后发现“嗯,现在一个简单的字符串不再做了,但现在我必须更新大量的地方改变那个“。

And of course: ideally, you would sort the above list by "intervals". Then finding the Classification for a specific double value is super simple:


 for (Pair combo : listOfPairs) {
   if (combo.getInterval().contains(value)) {
     return combo.getClassification(); // yeeha found one
 return "nothing found" ... or throw some kind of exception

Long story short: I can't tell you how to best transform your existing map into the above list of pair objects - because I don't know the big picture. It might be possible to simply not create that map initially, and directly build such a list of objects.

长话短说:我不能告诉你如何最好地将你现有的地图转换成上面的配对对象列表 - 因为我不知道大局。有可能最初不能创建该映射,并直接构建这样的对象列表。

And for the record: if that map exists as map because there are other, more important requirements ... then you have to carefully balance if you really want to keep using map+list (means "double book-keeping") or if you put all of the above logic into some service that turns your Map into a List, does the lookup and then throws away this "other" representation of your data.




private HashMap> getMinMaxThreshold(HashMap map) {

        List threholds = map.values().stream().collect(Collectors.toList());
        HashMapmap1= this.sortByValues(map);
        List keys = map1.keySet().stream().collect(Collectors.toList());


        HashMap> boudaries = new HashMap<>();

        for (int i =0;i<=threholds.size();i++){

                HashMap testmap = new HashMap<>();
                boudaries.put(keys.get(keys.size()-1).split("/")[1], testmap);
                System.out.println(threholds.get(i-1)+" ->"+0+" : "+keys.get(keys.size()-1).split("/")[1] );

            else if (i==0){
                HashMap testmap = new HashMap<>();
                boudaries.put(keys.get(0).split("/")[0], testmap);
                System.out.println(Math.exp(100) +" ->"+threholds.get(i)+" : "+keys.get(0).split("/")[0] );}

                HashMap testmap = new HashMap<>();
                boudaries.put(keys.get(i).split("/")[0], testmap);
            System.out.println(threholds.get(i-1)+" ->"+threholds.get(i)+" : "+keys.get(i).split("/")[0]);}


        return boudaries;
  1. The ’keys’ is a ’List’ and represent the Classes A,B,C,D.
  2. 'keys'是'List'并代表A,B,C,D类。

  3. The thresholds is a ’List’represent the thresholds. We have to use this threshold to make the boundaries.
  4. 阈值是'List'represent the thresholds。我们必须使用这个阈值来制定边界。

  5. I sort the map of thresholds by values to get the Strings in descending order, and same with the list of Double thresholds to make them in the same order.
  6. 我按值对阈值进行排序,以按降序获取字符串,并与双阈值列表相同,以使它们按相同的顺序排列。

  7. I loop foreach element of threshold.. for the first item it's about the last boudaries so I made as boudaries the Exp(1000) and the previous element.. for the last element, it's about a boudaries with min 0 and max the last element of threshold.

    我循环foreach元素的阈值..对于第一个项目它是关于最后的boudaries所以我做了boudaries Exp(1000)和前一个元素..对于最后一个元素,它是关于一个boudaries有min 0和max最后一个元素阈值。

  8. I use split to get the first element of splited array except the last item where I use the second element of the array to match the last element. That's it


Test :

If we have as an input this ’Map’


{ "YELLOW_DARK/RED_LIGHT" : 0.20459770114942527 , "GREEN_DARK/GREEN_LIGHT" : 0.6226151930261519 , "GREEN_LIGHT/YELLOW_LIGHT" : 0.4632936507936508 , "YELLOW_LIGHT/YELLOW_DARK" : 0.3525246305418719 , "RED_LIGHT/RED_DARK" : 0.027777777777777776}

My code will transorm it into :


2.6881171418161356E43 ->0.6226151930261519 : GREEN_DARK
0.6226151930261519 ->0.4632936507936508 : GREEN_LIGHT
0.4632936507936508 ->0.3525246305418719 : YELLOW_LIGHT
0.3525246305418719 ->0.20459770114942527 : YELLOW_DARK
0.20459770114942527 ->0.027777777777777776 : RED_LIGHT
0.027777777777777776 ->0 : RED_DARK

and returning as a HashMap>

并作为HashMap >返回

{GREEN_LIGHT={min=0.4632936507936508, max=0.6226151930261519}, YELLOW_DARK={min=0.20459770114942527, max=0.3525246305418719}, YELLOW_LIGHT={min=0.3525246305418719, max=0.4632936507936508}, RED_DARK={min=0.0, max=0.027777777777777776}, RED_LIGHT={min=0.027777777777777776, max=0.20459770114942527}, GREEN_DARK={min=0.6226151930261519, max=Infinity}}
{ "GREEN/LIGHT_YELLOW" : 0.5366379310344828 , "YELLOW_DARK/RED_LIGHT" : 0.18349195937745413 , "YELLOW_LIGHT/YELLOW_DARK" : 0.3571428571428571 , "RED_LIGHT/RED_DARK" : 0.08940809968847352}

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