作者:Lo海豚 | 来源:互联网 | 2017-11-17 14:41
[i=s] 本帖最后由 刘冲 于 2009-7-9 21:42 编辑
Debian's Trademark
Trademark Licensing Policy
Debian is registered trademark of Software in the PublicInterest, Inc. and managed by the Debian project.
The trademark was registeredthe 21st of December of 1999 but has been in use since August 1993. It isregistered under the Nice Class 009: Computer Utility and OperatingSystem Software.
The current policy was announced byBruce Perens, Debian Project Leader, in 1998:
We allow all businesses to make reasonable use of the Debian trademark.For example, if you make a CD of our Debian GNU/Linux distribution, you cancall that product Debian. If you want to use the name in some other way, youshould ask us
To be fair to all businesses, we insist that no business use the nameDebian in the name of the business, or a domain name of the business.
Work in ProgressAs announcedby Martin Michlmayr, Debian Project Leader, in 2003 (also availableas SPI resolution 2003-06-03-bmh.1), a Trademark Committee was startedto review SPI's trademark policy. This committee can be contacted atspi-trademark@lists.spi-inc.org.
Currently there are two drafts for the trademark policy, one drafted by Benjamin Mako Hill and adifferent one drafted byBranden Robinson.
Registration outside the USA similar trademark has been registered by some other associations related to theDebian Project over the world, this includes debian JP in Japan (registeredin 2002), as well as Stiftelsen SLX Debian Labs in Norway,Debian Spain Association in Spain(registered in 2007) and Vincent Renardias in France.
Organisations licensed to use the trademarkThe following organistions have been licensed to usethe Debian trademark through a License Agreement:
- Stiftelsen SLX Debian Labs, per SPI's resolution2004-01-05.bmh.1.
- Vincent Renardias and Les logiciels du soleil, per SPI's resolution1999-08-06.mgs.
- The Debian UK Society, by BrandenRobinson, Debian Project Leader.