我是新手,安装fedora16 将近一个月,今天提示有升级,但是升级之后我原来可以上的六维空间现在无法打开了,以前是安装好系统就自动能链接上,没有改过任何设置,我用的是教育网。我按网上提示改过/etc/sysconfig/network文件,加了NETWORKING_IPV6=yes,也修改过host,但是仍然上不去。求大侠指点。
You appear to have no IPv6 at this time..
You appear to have no IPv6 address.
It looks like you have only IPv4 Internet service at this time. Don't feel bad - most people are in this position right now. Most Internet service providers are not quite yet ready to provide IPv6 Internet to residential customers.
Many of the visitors to the site are new to what IPv6 is. If you don't know why IPv6 matters, see the Why IPv6 FAQ. This will give you a bit of background of what to expect with IPv4 in the coming months and years; and perhaps some incentive to ask your ISP when they will offer IPv6.
If you strongly believe you have IPv6, but we were unable to detect it: it means one of a couple of things. Either your organization is blocking the use of IPv6 to talk to the outside Internet through network policy; or perhaps what you see with IPv6 on your host is not a global address. Any address starting with "::", "fc", "fd", or "fe" are unable to work with the public IPv6 Internet.
If you are savvy with technology, you can be an early adopter of IPv6, consider learning more about 6to4 providers (managed 6to4 tunnel services). The use of automatic tunnels is discouraged. Windows users can also consider Teredo.