世界杯期间,推荐德国的优秀软件,无需注册,图形化,以前用过他们的Windows版的,感觉很好,只是病毒库升级很慢,宽带也没什么用,但是小巧高效功能很抢眼,不知道这下在debian下怎么样.下载地址: workstation-pers.tar.gz 校园网用户记得要用代理:-)
Linux / FreeBSD / Solaris - AntiVir PersonalEdition Classic
The private, non-commercial use of AntiVir Workstation for Linux / FreeBSD / Solaris is free
A registration of the AntiVir PersonalEdition Calssic Workstation for Linux is not necessary any more.
The licence file is now included in the download tar file.
The scope of services of the cost-free AntiVir PersonalEdition Classic for Linux - FreeBSD/Solaris was adapted to the cost-free AntiVir PersonalEdition Classic Windows by the recent release change:
new graphic user interface (GUI)
no registration is necessary
the functions Mailgate and Milter can be ordered as amenities by the Avira GmbH
md5sum:9ff0fc695cf71b83c42b3d28ab207fe4 file size 22M
# tar ztvf antivir-workstation-pers.tar.gz
先别急着 ./install
ps: 如果不安装Dazuko, 防护程序不能在内核自动运行,只能手动扫描
# apt-get install dazuko-source
其实,在antivir的tar包里有dazuko的包 在contrib/dazuko里. 在./configure时修要指定内核源代码的path,很麻烦!
# apt-get install module-assistant
安装了module-assistant, 当然还是需要内核configure:-),有了module-assistant的帮助,你就需要选择PREPARE一下就可以了
# apt-get install linux-source-2.4.27
# cd /usr/src/
# tar jxvf linux-source-2.4.27.tar.bz2
# cp /boot/linux-source-2.4.27 .config //将当前内核配置文件放到源代码包
# module-assistant
选择UPDATE,然后是PPEPARE,最后EXIT //souces.list里建议选择中科大的源,俺刻的光盘即便通过了MD5,安装还是报错
# dpkg -i dazuko-source_2.2.1-1_all.deb
# m-a a-i dazuko //添加dazuko为内核模块
# reboot
好了, 现在开始安装antivir吧
# cd
# ./install
按照提示一步一步来,没什么好说的.你可以选择添加antivir到内核/模块,俺选的是内核k.GUI界面需要java. 若没装JDK,当然你可以选择不安装GUI.
安装好后, reboot, 看看内核加载过程
starting AntiVir: avguard-workstationdazuko:loaded.version:2.2.1
warning: the file “antivir.vdf” is more than 14 days old
呵呵, 病毒定义过期了:-@, 别担心上网升级啊, (教育网要用代理).