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I'm in the middle of changing our server. We bought server space at a different location and need to transfer all the content from our current server to the new one. I need to move 12GB over to the new server. What would be the most convenient, fastest, and easier way to transfer all that data to the new server... Doing a "physical" transfer is not an option.


I know is going to be a loooong procedure. I'm testing with some data and is taking a long long time.


I'm actually hosting about 10 websites on our local server so, I would like to move all that data to the new server... I do a backup of all the important files: /var/www, /home/, /var/lib/mysql, and others with tar -czf and it results into a 12GB tarball.

我实际上在我们的本地服务器上托管了大约10个网站,所以,我想将所有数据移动到新服务器......我对所有重要文件进行备份:/ var / www,/ home /,/ var / lib / mysql,以及其他tar -czf,它导致12GB的tarball。

I don't have a big upload pipe so, I need to do a reliable transfer during off peak hours, 1am to 6am...


Any ideas?

4 个解决方案




rsync -av --progress localpath usrname@remote:remotepath

I transfer 300GB data last night by this cmd.


Not need resume option, if interuppted, just run this cmd again. It will auto resume.


Actually, rsync is incremental.




If you have space on your drive, create a zip or rar archive with all you need. Move the archive to the root of one of your web sites. Use a "multi-threaded" HTTP download accelerator to get the file on the new server. Such tools creates multiple connections to the server, and should therefore improve you download speed noticably.


Make several smaller archives with your archive tool to get you started faster and better protection against transfer errors.


There are also FTP clients and servers with similar features, but I think the HTTP approach is easier.




Since you're on a system with tar, you possibly also have split which can take your massive 12G file and turn it into a large number of smaller files.


Then transfer those "reliably" with ftp (do md5sum or cksum at both ends to check all files have duplicated correctly) and put them back together at the destination.


With pipelines, you shouldn't have to worry about any extra storage space required above and beyond the tarred-up file.




Look into nc or netcat. You can set it up to listen on your "server" and then provide the specifics from the machine with the 12 GB file. If you're after security though, scp is another consideration but it will be far slower than nc (or so I remember reading).

查看nc或netcat。您可以将其设置为在“服务器”上进行侦听,然后使用12 GB文件从计算机中提供详细信息。如果你在安全之后,scp是另一个考虑因素,但它会比nc慢得多(或者我记得读过)。

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