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[英]Sets the content of this attachment part to that of the given Object and sets the value of the Content-Type header to the given type. The type of the Object should correspond to the value given for the Content-Type. This depends on the particular set of DataContentHandler objects in use.


代码示例来源:origin: stackoverflow.com

AttachmentPart attachment = message.createAttachmentPart();
String stringCOntent= "Update address for Sunny Skies " +
"Inc., to 10 Upbeat Street, Pleasant Grove, CA 95439";
attachment.setContent(stringContent, "text/plain");

代码示例来源:origin: org.jboss.ws.native/jbossws-native-saaj

* Creates an AttachmentPart object and populates it with the specified data of the specified content type.
* @param content an Object containing the content for this SOAPMessage object
* @param contentType a String object giving the type of content; examples are "text/xml", "text/plain", and "image/jpeg"
* @return a new AttachmentPart object that contains the given data
public AttachmentPart createAttachmentPart(Object content, String contentType)
AttachmentPart part = createAttachmentPart();
part.setContent(content, contentType);
return part;

代码示例来源:origin: stackoverflow.com

throws SOAPException {
AttachmentPart attachment = soapMessage.createAttachmentPart();
attachment.setContent( new ByteArrayInputStream( theBytes ), contentType );
soapMessage.addAttachmentPart( attachment );

代码示例来源:origin: stackoverflow.com

byte[] encoded = Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get("C:\\Users\\timofb\\Documents\\test.txt"));
String soapXml = new String(encoded, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
SOAPConnectionFactory soapCOnnectionFactory=
java.net.URL endpoint = new URL("http://" + ip + "/cs-repository/services/xds-iti41");
SOAPConnection cOnnection= soapConnectionFactory.createConnection();
MessageFactory factory = MessageFactory.newInstance();
SOAPMessage message = factory.createMessage(new MimeHeaders(), new ByteArrayInputStream(encoded));
AttachmentPart attachment = message.createAttachmentPart();
attachment.setContent("sm_content", "text/plain");
SOAPMessage respOnse= connection.call(message, endpoint);
ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
String strMsg = new String(out.toByteArray());
return strMsg;

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.openejb/javaee-api

* Creates an AttachmentPart object and populates it with the specified data of the
* specified content type.
* @param content an Object containing the content for this
* SOAPMessage object
* @param contentType a String object giving the type of content; examples are
* "text/xml", "text/plain", and "image/jpeg"
* @return a new AttachmentPart object that contains the given data
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* if the contentType does not match the type of the content object, or if there was no
* DataContentHandler object for the given content object
* @see DataHandler DataHandler
* @see javax.activation.DataContentHandler DataContentHandler
public AttachmentPart createAttachmentPart(Object content,
String contentType) {
AttachmentPart attachmentpart = createAttachmentPart();
attachmentpart.setContent(content, contentType);
return attachmentpart;

代码示例来源:origin: org.jboss.ws.native/jbossws-native-core

throw NativeMessages.MESSAGES.couldNotDetermineMimeType(partName);
part.setContent(value, mimeType);

代码示例来源:origin: javax.xml.soap/javax.xml.soap-api

* Creates an {@code AttachmentPart} object and populates it with
* the specified data of the specified content type. The type of the
* {@code Object} should correspond to the value given for the
* {@code Content-Type}.
* @param content
* an {@code Object} containing the content for the
* {@code AttachmentPart} object to be created
* @param contentType
* a {@code String} object giving the type of content;
* examples are "text/xml", "text/plain", and "image/jpeg"
* @return a new {@code AttachmentPart} object that contains the
* given data
* @exception IllegalArgumentException
* may be thrown if the contentType does not match the type
* of the content object, or if there was no
* {@code DataContentHandler} object for the given
* content object
* @see javax.activation.DataHandler
* @see javax.activation.DataContentHandler
public AttachmentPart createAttachmentPart(
Object content,
String contentType) {
AttachmentPart attachment = createAttachmentPart();
attachment.setContent(content, contentType);
return attachment;

代码示例来源:origin: javax/javaee-endorsed-api

* Creates an AttachmentPart object and populates it with
* the specified data of the specified content type. The type of the
* Object should correspond to the value given for the
* Content-Type.
* @param content
* an Object containing the content for the
* AttachmentPart object to be created
* @param contentType
* a String object giving the type of content;
* examples are "text/xml", "text/plain", and "image/jpeg"
* @return a new AttachmentPart object that contains the
* given data
* @exception IllegalArgumentException
* may be thrown if the contentType does not match the type
* of the content object, or if there was no
* DataContentHandler object for the given
* content object
* @see javax.activation.DataHandler
* @see javax.activation.DataContentHandler
public AttachmentPart createAttachmentPart(
Object content,
String contentType) {
AttachmentPart attachment = createAttachmentPart();
attachment.setContent(content, contentType);
return attachment;

代码示例来源:origin: jakarta.xml.soap/jakarta.xml.soap-api

* Creates an {@code AttachmentPart} object and populates it with
* the specified data of the specified content type. The type of the
* {@code Object} should correspond to the value given for the
* {@code Content-Type}.
* @param content
* an {@code Object} containing the content for the
* {@code AttachmentPart} object to be created
* @param contentType
* a {@code String} object giving the type of content;
* examples are "text/xml", "text/plain", and "image/jpeg"
* @return a new {@code AttachmentPart} object that contains the
* given data
* @exception IllegalArgumentException
* may be thrown if the contentType does not match the type
* of the content object, or if there was no
* {@code DataContentHandler} object for the given
* content object
* @see javax.activation.DataHandler
* @see javax.activation.DataContentHandler
public AttachmentPart createAttachmentPart(
Object content,
String contentType) {
AttachmentPart attachment = createAttachmentPart();
attachment.setContent(content, contentType);
return attachment;

代码示例来源:origin: org.jboss.spec.javax.xml.soap/jboss-saaj-api_1.3_spec

* Creates an AttachmentPart object and populates it with
* the specified data of the specified content type. The type of the
* Object should correspond to the value given for the
* Content-Type.
* @param content
* an Object containing the content for the
* AttachmentPart object to be created
* @param contentType
* a String object giving the type of content;
* examples are "text/xml", "text/plain", and "image/jpeg"
* @return a new AttachmentPart object that contains the
* given data
* @exception IllegalArgumentException
* may be thrown if the contentType does not match the type
* of the content object, or if there was no
* DataContentHandler object for the given
* content object
* @see javax.activation.DataHandler
* @see javax.activation.DataContentHandler
public AttachmentPart createAttachmentPart(
Object content,
String contentType) {
AttachmentPart attachment = createAttachmentPart();
attachment.setContent(content, contentType);
return attachment;

代码示例来源:origin: org.glassfish.metro/webservices-api-osgi

* Creates an {@code AttachmentPart} object and populates it with
* the specified data of the specified content type. The type of the
* {@code Object} should correspond to the value given for the
* {@code Content-Type}.
* @param content
* an {@code Object} containing the content for the
* {@code AttachmentPart} object to be created
* @param contentType
* a {@code String} object giving the type of content;
* examples are "text/xml", "text/plain", and "image/jpeg"
* @return a new {@code AttachmentPart} object that contains the
* given data
* @exception IllegalArgumentException
* may be thrown if the contentType does not match the type
* of the content object, or if there was no
* {@code DataContentHandler} object for the given
* content object
* @see javax.activation.DataHandler
* @see javax.activation.DataContentHandler
public AttachmentPart createAttachmentPart(
Object content,
String contentType) {
AttachmentPart attachment = createAttachmentPart();
attachment.setContent(content, contentType);
return attachment;

代码示例来源:origin: org.glassfish.metro/webservices-api

* Creates an {@code AttachmentPart} object and populates it with
* the specified data of the specified content type. The type of the
* {@code Object} should correspond to the value given for the
* {@code Content-Type}.
* @param content
* an {@code Object} containing the content for the
* {@code AttachmentPart} object to be created
* @param contentType
* a {@code String} object giving the type of content;
* examples are "text/xml", "text/plain", and "image/jpeg"
* @return a new {@code AttachmentPart} object that contains the
* given data
* @exception IllegalArgumentException
* may be thrown if the contentType does not match the type
* of the content object, or if there was no
* {@code DataContentHandler} object for the given
* content object
* @see javax.activation.DataHandler
* @see javax.activation.DataContentHandler
public AttachmentPart createAttachmentPart(
Object content,
String contentType) {
AttachmentPart attachment = createAttachmentPart();
attachment.setContent(content, contentType);
return attachment;

代码示例来源:origin: jboss/jboss-javaee-specs

* Creates an AttachmentPart object and populates it with
* the specified data of the specified content type. The type of the
* Object should correspond to the value given for the
* Content-Type.
* @param content
* an Object containing the content for the
* AttachmentPart object to be created
* @param contentType
* a String object giving the type of content;
* examples are "text/xml", "text/plain", and "image/jpeg"
* @return a new AttachmentPart object that contains the
* given data
* @exception IllegalArgumentException
* may be thrown if the contentType does not match the type
* of the content object, or if there was no
* DataContentHandler object for the given
* content object
* @see javax.activation.DataHandler
* @see javax.activation.DataContentHandler
public AttachmentPart createAttachmentPart(
Object content,
String contentType) {
AttachmentPart attachment = createAttachmentPart();
attachment.setContent(content, contentType);
return attachment;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/cxf

public void testSWA() throws Exception {
SOAPFactory soapFac = SOAPFactory.newInstance();
MessageFactory msgFac = MessageFactory.newInstance();
SOAPConnectionFactory cOnFac= SOAPConnectionFactory.newInstance();
SOAPMessage msg = msgFac.createMessage();
QName sayHi = new QName("http://apache.org/hello_world_rpclit", "sayHiWAttach");
AttachmentPart ap1 = msg.createAttachmentPart();
ap1.setContent("Attachment content", "text/plain");
AttachmentPart ap2 = msg.createAttachmentPart();
ap2.setContent("Attachment content - Part 2", "text/plain");
SOAPConnection con = conFac.createConnection();
URL endpoint = new URL("http://localhost:" + PORT
+ "/SOAPServiceProviderRPCLit/SoapPortProviderRPCLit1");
SOAPMessage respOnse= con.call(msg, endpoint);
QName sayHiResp = new QName("http://apache.org/hello_world_rpclit", "sayHiResponse");
assertEquals(2, response.countAttachments());

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