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Can Add-ins communicate?


I have an Excel add in that communicates with an API. In that add-in it can take in the XML packaged data as a string and the route of the API as a URL/I as a string then POSTs it data:


Function PostApiXmlToXml(XML as String, URL as String) as String
   'Post to Url that XML data
   'PostApiXmlToXml = the XML response
End Function

The problem is that there are many different routes and functions needed. And not all users need/are authorized to use all Routes.


I either just give everyone access to every function but if they try to send to one they don't have access to it will respond with unauthorized.


Or there is a way of having an add in for each function that Connects to the main communication add in?

或者有一种方法可以为每个连接到主通信的函数添加一个add in?

e.g. this separate add-in has a function that is dependent on the first:


Function CalculateSomething(x as double, y as double, z as double) as double
    Xml = "" + x + "" &_
           "" + y + "" &_
           ""  ""       "" "" 
    route = "www.api.com/api/controller/func"
    CalculateSomething = PostApiXmlToXml(xml,route)
End Function

Main problem is that users can opt in to new functions whenever they want, so I want to make it as easy as possible for the user to just download another add-in that will give them access. There's also many more functions to be added in the future.


Is it possible or am I going about this all the wrong way?


Would people recommend going down the VSTO route?(no experience in that whatsoever)


1 个解决方案



is a way of having an add in for each function that Connects to the main communication add in?

是否每个连接到主通信的函数都有一个add in?

Assuming CalculateSomething is in one Add-In, and your other function PostApiXmlToXml is in Module1 of a separate Add-in (let's just call it "MainAddIn.xlam" which is already installed on the user's machine)


Function CalculateSomething(x as double, y as double, z as double) as double
    Xml = "" + x + "" &_
           "" + y + "" &_
           ""  ""       "" "" 
    route = "www.api.com/api/controller/func"
    CalculateSomething = _
        Application.Run("MainAddIn!Module1.PostApiXmlToXml", xml, route)
End Function

Note you need to specify the VBProject and Module by name in the Run statement.


To check whether the addin is installed you could use a function like this:


Function IsAddInInstalled(name$) As boolean
Dim a
Dim ret as Boolean
For each a in Application.AddIns
    if (a.Name = name) then
        ret = True
        Exit For
    End If

If not ret Then MsgBox "Please install " & name
IsAddInInstalled = ret
End Function

Deciding where to call this function is another story. Of course you could call it within each procedure in your Dependent add-in, but probably it would be better to put it in the Workbook_Open procedure, just once:


Sub Workbook_Open()
    Call IsAddInInstalled("MainAddIn.xlam")
End Sub

This way, every time the user opens Excel, it will check for the availability of the "main" add-in, and raise a message box if it is not available.


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