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PhoneGap 2.7 iOS配置安装详细教程


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The Cordova Command-line Interface

This guide shows you how to create applications and deploy them tovarious native mobile platforms using thecordova command-lineinterface (CLI). This tool allows you to create new projects, buildthem on different platforms, and run them within an emulator. You canalso use the CLI to initialize project code, after which you usevarious platforms' IDEs to develop them further.


Before running any command-line tools, you need to install SDKs foreach platform you wish to target.

To add support or rebuild a project for any platform, you need to runthe command-line interface from the same machine that supports theplatform's SDK. The CLI supports the following combinations:

  • iOS (Mac)
  • Android (Mac, Linux)
  • Blackberry (Mac, Windows)
  • Windows Phone 7 (Windows)
  • Windows Phone 8 (Windows)

On the Mac, the command-line is available via the Terminalapplication. On the PC, it's available asCommand Prompt underAccessories.

The more likely it is that you run the CLI from different machines,the more it makes sense to maintain a remote source code repository,whose assets you pull down to local working directories.

To install the cordova command-line tool, follow these steps:

  1. Download and install Node.js. Followinginstallation, you should be able to invoke node ornpm on yourcommand line.

  2. Install the cordova utility. In Unix, prefixing the additionalsudo command may be necessary to install development utilities inotherwise restricted directories:

    $ sudo npm install -g cordova

    The installation log may produce errors for any uninstalledplatform SDKs. Following installation, you should be able to runcordova on the command line.

  3. To ensure permissions are correct, run this command on Mac orLinux, changing LOGIN to match your account name:

    $ sudo chown -R LOGIN /usr/local/lib/node_modules/cordova

After installing the cordova utility, you can always update it tothe latest version by running the following command:

    $ sudo npm update -g cordova

Use this syntax to install a specific version:

    $ sudo npm install -g cordova@2.8.0

Run the info command for a listing that includes the current versionalong with other available version numbers:

    $ npm info cordova

Create an App

Go to the directory where you maintain your source code, and run acommand such as the following:

    $ cordova create HelloWorld com.example.hello "Hello World"

The first argument specifies a HelloWorld directory to be generatedfor your project. Itswww subdirectory houses your application'shome page, along with various resources undercss, js, and img,which follow common web development file-naming conventions. Theconfig.xml file contains important metadata needed to generate anddistribute the application.

The other two arguments are optional: the com.example.hello argumentprovides your project with a reverse-domain-style identifier, and the"Hello World!" provides the application's display text. You can editboth of these values later in the config.xml file.

Add Platforms

All subsequent commands need to be run within the project's directory,or any subdirectories within its scope:

    $ cd HelloWorld

Before you can build the project, you need to specify a set of targetplatforms. Your ability to run these commands depends on whether yourmachine supports each SDK, and whether you have already installed eachSDK. Run any of these from a Mac:

    $ cordova platform add ios$ cordova platform add android$ cordova platform add blackberry

Run any of these from a Windows machine, where wp refers todifferent versions of the Windows Phone operating system:

    $ cordova platform add wp7$ cordova platform add wp8$ cordova platform add android$ cordova platform add blackberry

Run this to check your current set of platforms:

    $ cordova platforms ls

(Note the platform and platforms commands are synonymous.)

Run either of the following synonymous commands to remove a platform:

    $ cordova platform remove blackberry$ cordova platform rm android

Running commands to add or remove platforms affects the contents ofthe project'splatforms directory, where each specified platformappears as a subdirectory. Thewww source directory is reproducedwithin each platform's subdirectory, appearing for example inplatforms/ios/www orplatforms/android/assets/www. By default,each platform's configuration file is set up to be able to access allof Cordova's APIs.

If you wish, you can use an SDK at this point to open the project youcreated. However, any edits you make to the project within an SDKaffect the derivative set of assets, not the original cross-platformsource files. Use this approach if you simply want to initialize aproject.Read on if you wish to use command-line tools for the entiredevelopment cycle.

Build the App

By default, the cordova create script generates a skeletal web-basedapplication whose home page is the project'swww/index.html file.Edit this application however you want, but any initialization shouldbe specified as part of thedeviceready event handler, referenced bydefault from www/js/index.js.

Run the following command to iteratively build the project:

    $ cordova build

This generates platform-specific code within the project's platformssubdirectory. You can optionally limit the scope of each build tospecific platforms:

    $ cordova build ios

The cordova build command is a shorthand for the following, which inthis example is also targeted to a single platform:

    $ cordova prepare ios$ cordova compile ios

In this case, once you run prepare, you can use Apple's Xcode SDK asan alternative to modify and compile the platform-specific code thatCordova generates withinplatforms/ios. You can use the sameapproach with other platforms' IDEs.

View the App in an Emulator

SDKs for mobile platforms come bundled with emulators that execute adevice image, so that you can launch the app from the home screen andsee how it interacts with many platform features. Run a command suchas the following to rebuild the app and view it within a specificplatform's emulator:

    $ cordova emulate android

Some mobile platforms emulate a particular device by default, such asthe iPhone for iOS projects. For other platforms, you may need tofirst associate a device with an emulator.For example, you may first run theandroid command to launch theAndroid SDK, then run a particular device image, which launches itaccording to its default behavior:

Following up with the cordova emulate command refreshes the emulatorimage to display the latest application, which is now available forlaunch from the home screen:

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