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I have a simple SceneKit scene with only two light sources (ambient and omni) and one model. I have noticed that my scene appears totally dark when running on iOS 10 (even before I recompiled my app with the iOS 10 SDK). After investigating I realized that my ambient light was the only one affecting my model.

我有一个简单的SceneKit场景,只有两个光源(环境和全向)和一个模型。我注意到在iOS 10上运行时我的场景显得很暗(甚至在我使用iOS 10 SDK重新编译我的应用程序之前)。经过调查,我意识到我的环境光是影响我模型的唯一一个。

The only way to make my omni light affect my model was to bring it really close to it, or to increase its intensity (using the new setIntensity: selector) by a factor of 5000000.


Changing the values of attenuationStartDistance, attenuationEndDistance, and attenuationFalloffExponent didn't change the result, which is really odd, considering that if I use 0.0 for both distances then I shouldn't expect any attenuation, and yet it happened (hence the need to use this huge intensity value).


This result doesn't change even if I add the SCNDisableLinearSpaceRendering key to my Info.plist or the SCNDisableWideGamut key.


Am I missing some new parameter or is it an iOS 10 bug?

我错过了一些新参数还是iOS 10错误?

1 个解决方案



I have managed to change the result after changing the values of attenuationStartDistance, attenuationEndDistance, and attenuationFalloffExponent, but only when using that huge intensity value. iOS 10 is definitely not ignoring these parameters.

我已经设法在更改attenuationStartDistance,attenuationEndDistance和attenuationFalloffExponent的值后更改结果,但仅在使用该巨大强度值时。 iOS 10绝对不会忽略这些参数。

However, it seems that iOS 10 is applying yet another attenuation on top the previous one. It is also attenuating the intensity value automatically, regardless of those parameters. Perhaps it's treating this new intensity parameter as if in a physically based renderer, even when it's not?

然而,似乎iOS 10正在应用另一个衰减在前一个上面。无论这些参数如何,它也会自动衰减强度值。也许它正在将这个新的强度参数视为基于物理的渲染器,即使它不是?

So, if you have a distant omni light source, it seems that you'll still need a big intensity for it to be bright enough from a distance, even if you disable the attenuation.




iOS 10 is indeed using a physically based lighting model as the new default! After loading a model, iOS 9 will have SCNLightingModelBlinn for the lightingModelName property of the material whereas iOS 10 will have SCNLightingModelPhysicallyBased. You can achieve iOS 9 behavior by changing the value of that property after loading your model.

iOS 10确实使用基于物理的照明模型作为新的默认值!加载模型后,iOS 9将为材质的lightingModelName属性提供SCNLightingModelBlinn,而iOS 10将具有SCNLightingModelPhysicallyBased。通过在加载模型后更改该属性的值,可以实现iOS 9的行为。

for(SCNMaterial * mt in model.geometry.materials)
    mt.lightingModelName = SCNLightingModelBlinn;

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