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drupal 7宝典

Drupal 7 has been released today following three years of intensive development. Hundreds of developers have contributed to making Drupal easier and more powerful than ever.

经过三年的深入开发,Drupal 7已于今天发布。 数以百计的开发人员为使Drupal变得比以往更轻松,功能更强大做出了贡献。

Drupal is an open source Content Management System written in PHP. Yes, another one. However, Drupal was one of the first good CMSs and it became a popular blogging and social community platform following its launch in 2001. Many popular sites use it today including The White House, The Economist, The New York Observer, HowToDoThings.com and Linux Journal.

Drupal是一个用PHP编写的开源内容管理系统。 是的,另一个。 但是,Drupal是最早的优秀CMS之一,自2001年推出以来,它已成为受欢迎的博客和社交平台。今天,许多受欢迎的网站都使用它,包括The White House , The Economist , The New York Observer , HowToDoThings.com和Linux期刊 。

Drupal与WordPress (Drupal vs. WordPress)

I’m sure many of you are thinking “I use WordPress and I’m very happy with it, thanks.” Many Drupal fans would argue that WordPress is underpowered, less scalable, and lacking in security and flexibility. WordPress fans may consider Drupal to be overly complex, more difficult to maintain and less user friendly.

我确信你们中的许多人都在想: “我使用WordPress,对此我感到非常高兴,谢谢。” 许多Drupal爱好者会认为WordPress的功能不足,可扩展性差,缺乏安全性和灵活性。 WordPress爱好者可能会认为Drupal过于复杂,难以维护且用户友好度较低。

Looking at installations alone, Drupal has undoubtedly been overshadowed by WordPress. However, Drupal 7 has addressed many of the criticisms and the team has worked hard to simplify the user experience. Of course, WordPress has also been updated and several Drupal-like features were introduced in version 3.

单看安装,毫无疑问,Drupal被WordPress所掩盖了。 但是,Drupal 7解决了许多批评,并且团队一直在努力简化用户体验。 当然,WordPress也已更新,并且在版本3中引入了一些类似Drupal的功能。

Ultimately, they’re both great systems and their feature sets are converging. Why not try both and pick the best one for the task at hand?

最终,它们都是出色的系统,并且功能集正在融合。 为什么不尝试两者并为手头的任务选择最佳的呢?

Drupal 7的新功能 (Drupal 7 New Features)

Let’s take a look under the hood…


Easier installation The installation process has been simplified. Drupal supports most web servers (Apache is recommended), PHP 5.2.4+, and most databases (MySQL 5.0.15+ is recommended).

易于安装安装过程已简化。 Drupal支持大多数Web服务器(建议使用Apache),PHP 5.2.4+和大多数数据库(建议使用MySQL 5.0.15+)。

Improved administration panels The administrative interface has been overhauled to make it slicker and simpler. A new configurable shortcut bar provides quick access to the most important tasks:

改进的管理面板全面修改了管理界面,使其更简洁,更简单。 新的可配置快捷方式栏可让您快速访问最重要的任务:

Drupal 7 administration screen

More flexible Drupal 7 allows you to define your own content structure and add custom fields to pages, users, comments and other types of content. More than 800 modules are known to be compatible with the new version.

更灵活的 Drupal 7允许您定义自己的内容结构,并将自定义字段添加到页面,用户,评论和其他类型的内容。 已知有800多个模块与新版本兼容。

Speed and scalability Drupal is fast and can handle huge amounts of traffic with better caching and improved Javascript and CSS optimization.

速度和可伸缩性 Drupal速度很快,可以通过更好的缓存以及改进Javascript和CSS优化来处理大量流量。

Accessibility Accessibility is better and Drupal now offers semantic web support with RDFa.


It’s still open source Drupal remains a capable CMS which can be downloaded, adapted and used by anyone for free.

它仍然是开源的 Drupal仍然是一个功能强大的CMS,任何人都可以免费下载,修改和使用它。

The Drupal 7 tour video provides more information…

Drupal 7旅游视频提供了更多信息……

1月7日是Drupal 7天! (January 7 is Drupal 7 Day!)

The release of Drupal 7 will be celebrated around the globe on January 7, 2011. Head over to drupal7releaseparty.org and join the festivities (or is it too early in the year for more celebrations?!)

Drupal 7的发布将在2011年1月7日在全球范围内进行庆祝。前往drupal7releaseparty.org并参加庆祝活动(还是在今年年初进行更多庆祝活动还为时过早?!)

You can also monitor a stream of events on Twitter’s #d7rp and #d7rp_yourcity hashtags. Drunken photos are also likely to appear on the d7rp Flickr group.

您还可以在Twitter的#d7rp和#d7rp_ yourcity主题标签上监视事件流。 醉酒的照片也可能会出现在d7rp Flickr组中 。

Have you used Drupal 7? Do you like it? Is it an improvement? Do you prefer another CMS? Will you be doing anything to celebrate on January 7? Comments welcome…

您是否使用过Drupal 7? 你喜欢它吗? 有进步吗? 您喜欢其他CMS吗? 您会做些什么庆祝1月7日吗? 欢迎评论...

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/drupal-7-new-release/

drupal 7宝典

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