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[英]Retrieves the value for the specified column and key under the given transaction from the store if such exists, otherwise returns NULL


代码示例来源:origin: thinkaurelius/titan

* Returns true if the specified key-column pair exists in the store.
* @param store Store
* @param key Key
* @param column Column
* @param txh Transaction
* @return TRUE, if key has at least one column-value pair, else FALSE
public static boolean containsKeyColumn(KeyColumnValueStore store, StaticBuffer key, StaticBuffer column, StoreTransaction txh) throws BackendException {
return get(store, key, column, txh) != null;

代码示例来源:origin: thinkaurelius/titan

public int checkThatStateExistsInStore(Map> state, KeyColumnValueStore store, int round) throws BackendException {
int checked = 0;
for (StaticBuffer key : state.keySet()) {
for (StaticBuffer col : state.get(key).keySet()) {
StaticBuffer val = state.get(key).get(col);
Assert.assertEquals(val, KCVSUtil.get(store, key, col, tx));
log.debug("Checked existence of {} key-column-value triples on round {}", checked, round);
return checked;

代码示例来源:origin: thinkaurelius/titan

public static String get(KeyColumnValueStore store, StoreTransaction txn, long key, String col) throws BackendException {
StaticBuffer k = longToByteBuffer(key);
StaticBuffer c = stringToByteBuffer(col);
StaticBuffer valBytes = KCVSUtil.get(store, k, c, txn);
if (null == valBytes)
return null;
return byteBufferToString(valBytes);

代码示例来源:origin: thinkaurelius/titan

private void tryWrites(KeyColumnValueStore store1, KeyColumnValueStoreManager checkmgr,
StoreTransaction tx1, KeyColumnValueStore store2,
StoreTransaction tx2) throws BackendException {
Assert.assertNull(KCVSUtil.get(store1, k, c1, tx1));
Assert.assertNull(KCVSUtil.get(store2, k, c2, tx2));
store1.acquireLock(k, c1, null, tx1);
store2.acquireLock(k, c2, null, tx2);
store1.mutate(k, Arrays.asList(StaticArrayEntry.of(c1, v1)), NO_DELETIONS, tx1);
store2.mutate(k, Arrays.asList(StaticArrayEntry.of(c2, v2)), NO_DELETIONS, tx2);
if (tx2 != tx1)
StoreTransaction checktx = newTransaction(checkmgr);
Assert.assertEquals(v1, KCVSUtil.get(store1, k, c1, checktx));
Assert.assertEquals(v2, KCVSUtil.get(store2, k, c2, checktx));

代码示例来源:origin: thinkaurelius/titan

public int checkThatDeletionsApplied(Map changes, KeyColumnValueStore store, int round) throws BackendException {
int checked = 0;
int skipped = 0;
for (StaticBuffer key : changes.keySet()) {
KCVEntryMutation m = changes.get(key);
if (!m.hasDeletions())
List deletiOns= m.getDeletions();
List additiOns= m.getAdditions();
for (Entry entry : deletions) {
StaticBuffer col = entry.getColumn();
if (null != additions && additions.contains(StaticArrayEntry.of(col, col))) {
Assert.assertNull(KCVSUtil.get(store, key, col, tx));
log.debug("Checked absence of {} key-column-value deletions on round {} (skipped {})", new Object[]{checked, round, skipped});
return checked;

代码示例来源:origin: thinkaurelius/titan

public void checkValues(String[][] values, Set removed) throws BackendException {
for (int i = 0; i for (int j = 0; j StaticBuffer result = KCVSUtil.get(store, KeyValueStoreUtil.getBuffer(i), KeyValueStoreUtil.getBuffer(j), tx);
if (removed.contains(new KeyColumn(i, j))) {
} else {
Assert.assertEquals(values[i][j], KeyValueStoreUtil.getString(result));

代码示例来源:origin: thinkaurelius/titan

public void singleLockAndUnlock() throws BackendException {
store[0].acquireLock(k, c1, null, tx[0][0]);
store[0].mutate(k, Arrays.asList(StaticArrayEntry.of(c1, v1)), NO_DELETIONS, tx[0][0]);
tx[0][0] = newTransaction(manager[0]);
Assert.assertEquals(v1, KCVSUtil.get(store[0], k, c1, tx[0][0]));

代码示例来源:origin: thinkaurelius/titan

Assert.assertNull(KCVSUtil.get(store1, b1, b1, tx));
StaticBuffer result = KCVSUtil.get(store1, b1, b1, tx);
StaticBuffer n = KCVSUtil.get(store1, b1, b1, tx);
store1.mutateEntries(b1, additions, KCVSCache.NO_DELETIONS, tx);
store1.mutateEntries(b1, NO_ADDITIONS, deletions, tx);
n = KCVSUtil.get(store1, b1, b1, tx);
store1.mutateEntries(b1, additions, KCVSCache.NO_DELETIONS, tx);
Assert.assertEquals(b1, KCVSUtil.get(store1, b1, b1, tx));
store1.mutateEntries(b1, additions, deletions, tx);
Assert.assertEquals(b1, KCVSUtil.get(store1, b1, b1, tx));

代码示例来源:origin: thinkaurelius/titan

public void transactionMayReenterLock() throws BackendException {
store[0].acquireLock(k, c1, null, tx[0][0]);
store[0].acquireLock(k, c1, null, tx[0][0]);
store[0].acquireLock(k, c1, null, tx[0][0]);
store[0].mutate(k, Arrays.asList(StaticArrayEntry.of(c1, v1)), NO_DELETIONS, tx[0][0]);
tx[0][0] = newTransaction(manager[0]);
Assert.assertEquals(v1, KCVSUtil.get(store[0], k, c1, tx[0][0]));

代码示例来源:origin: thinkaurelius/titan

Assert.assertEquals(v1, KCVSUtil.get(store[0], k, c1, tx[0][0]));

代码示例来源:origin: org.hawkular.titan/titan-core

* Returns true if the specified key-column pair exists in the store.
* @param store Store
* @param key Key
* @param column Column
* @param txh Transaction
* @return TRUE, if key has at least one column-value pair, else FALSE
public static boolean containsKeyColumn(KeyColumnValueStore store, StaticBuffer key, StaticBuffer column, StoreTransaction txh) throws BackendException {
return get(store, key, column, txh) != null;

代码示例来源:origin: com.thinkaurelius.titan/titan-core

* Returns true if the specified key-column pair exists in the store.
* @param store Store
* @param key Key
* @param column Column
* @param txh Transaction
* @return TRUE, if key has at least one column-value pair, else FALSE
public static boolean containsKeyColumn(KeyColumnValueStore store, StaticBuffer key, StaticBuffer column, StoreTransaction txh) throws BackendException {
return get(store, key, column, txh) != null;

代码示例来源:origin: com.thinkaurelius.titan/titan-test-jre6

public int checkThatStateExistsInStore(Map> state, KeyColumnValueStore store, int round) throws StorageException {
int checked = 0;
for (StaticBuffer key : state.keySet()) {
for (StaticBuffer col : state.get(key).keySet()) {
StaticBuffer val = state.get(key).get(col);
Assert.assertEquals(val, KCVSUtil.get(store, key, col, tx));
log.debug("Checked existence of {} key-column-value triples on round {}", checked, round);
return checked;

代码示例来源:origin: org.hawkular.titan/titan-test

public int checkThatStateExistsInStore(Map> state, KeyColumnValueStore store, int round) throws BackendException {
int checked = 0;
for (StaticBuffer key : state.keySet()) {
for (StaticBuffer col : state.get(key).keySet()) {
StaticBuffer val = state.get(key).get(col);
Assert.assertEquals(val, KCVSUtil.get(store, key, col, tx));
log.debug("Checked existence of {} key-column-value triples on round {}", checked, round);
return checked;

代码示例来源:origin: org.hawkular.titan/titan-test

public static String get(KeyColumnValueStore store, StoreTransaction txn, long key, String col) throws BackendException {
StaticBuffer k = longToByteBuffer(key);
StaticBuffer c = stringToByteBuffer(col);
StaticBuffer valBytes = KCVSUtil.get(store, k, c, txn);
if (null == valBytes)
return null;
return byteBufferToString(valBytes);

代码示例来源:origin: org.hawkular.titan/titan-test

public void checkValues(String[][] values, Set removed) throws BackendException {
for (int i = 0; i for (int j = 0; j StaticBuffer result = KCVSUtil.get(store, KeyValueStoreUtil.getBuffer(i), KeyValueStoreUtil.getBuffer(j), tx);
if (removed.contains(new KeyColumn(i, j))) {
} else {
Assert.assertEquals(values[i][j], KeyValueStoreUtil.getString(result));

代码示例来源:origin: com.thinkaurelius.titan/titan-test-jre6

public void checkValues(String[][] values, Set removed) throws StorageException {
for (int i = 0; i for (int j = 0; j StaticBuffer result = KCVSUtil.get(store, KeyValueStoreUtil.getBuffer(i), KeyValueStoreUtil.getBuffer(j), tx);
if (removed.contains(new KeyColumn(i, j))) {
} else {
Assert.assertEquals(values[i][j], KeyValueStoreUtil.getString(result));

代码示例来源:origin: org.hawkular.titan/titan-test

public void singleLockAndUnlock() throws BackendException {
store[0].acquireLock(k, c1, null, tx[0][0]);
store[0].mutate(k, Arrays.asList(StaticArrayEntry.of(c1, v1)), NO_DELETIONS, tx[0][0]);
tx[0][0] = newTransaction(manager[0]);
Assert.assertEquals(v1, KCVSUtil.get(store[0], k, c1, tx[0][0]));

代码示例来源:origin: org.hawkular.titan/titan-test

public void transactionMayReenterLock() throws BackendException {
store[0].acquireLock(k, c1, null, tx[0][0]);
store[0].acquireLock(k, c1, null, tx[0][0]);
store[0].acquireLock(k, c1, null, tx[0][0]);
store[0].mutate(k, Arrays.asList(StaticArrayEntry.of(c1, v1)), NO_DELETIONS, tx[0][0]);
tx[0][0] = newTransaction(manager[0]);
Assert.assertEquals(v1, KCVSUtil.get(store[0], k, c1, tx[0][0]));

代码示例来源:origin: com.thinkaurelius.titan/titan-test-jre6

public void transactionMayReenterLock() throws StorageException {
store[0].acquireLock(k, c1, null, tx[0][0]);
store[0].acquireLock(k, c1, null, tx[0][0]);
store[0].acquireLock(k, c1, null, tx[0][0]);
store[0].mutate(k, Arrays.asList(new StaticBufferEntry(c1, v1)), NO_DELETIONS, tx[0][0]);
tx[0][0] = newTransaction(manager[0]);
Assert.assertEquals(v1, KCVSUtil.get(store[0], k, c1, tx[0][0]));

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