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I have created a Pie chart using the Pie chart example in sencha ExtJS website , I wanted to add a click event to the each Pie slice so that i get handle to the contextual data on that slice. I was able to add a click listener to the Pie but not sure how to get the data on the slice.

我使用sencha ExtJS网站的饼图示例创建了一个饼图,我想在每个饼图中添加一个点击事件,这样我就可以处理该切片上的上下文数据。我可以向饼图添加一个单击侦听器,但不确定如何获取切片上的数据。

Below is the ExtJS code.


var store = Ext.create('Ext.data.JsonStore', {
    fields: ['name', 'data1', 'data2', 'data3', 'data4', 'data5'],
    data: [{
        'name': 'January',
        'data1': 10
    }, {
        'name': 'February',
        'data1': 7
    }, {
        'name': 'March',
        'data1': 5
    }, {
        'name': 'April',
        'data1': 2
    }, {
        'name': 'May',
        'data1': 27

Ext.create('Ext.chart.Chart', {
    renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
    width: 800,
    height: 600,
    animate: true,
    store: store,
    theme: 'Base:gradients',
    legend: { // Pie Chart Legend Position
        position: 'right'
    series: [{
        type: 'pie',
        field: 'data1',
        showInLegend: true,
        tips: {
            trackMouse: true,
            width: 140,
            height: 28,
            renderer: function(storeItem, item){
                //calculate and display percentage on hover
                var total = 0;
                    total += rec.get('data1');
                this.setTitle(storeItem.get('name') + ': ' + Math.round(storeItem.get('data1') / total * 100) + '%');
        highlight: {
            segment: {
                margin: 5
        label: {
            field: 'name',
            display: 'rotate',
            contrast: true,
            font: '18px Arial'
        listeners: {//This Doesnt Work :(
            itemclick: function(o){
                alert('clicked at : ' + o);

    listeners: { //This Event handler works but I am not sure how to figure how which slice i have clicked ..................................
        click: {

            element: store, //bind to the underlying el property on the panel
            fn: function(o, a){

                alert('clicked' + o + a + this);




Kindly help.


Regards, Lalit


2 个解决方案



Here is how you get data of the clicked slice. The series class supports listeners via the Observable syntax and they are:


  1. itemmouseup When the user interacts with a marker.
  2. 当用户与标记交互时,itemmouseup。
  3. itemmousedown When the user interacts with a marker.
  4. 当用户与标记交互时,itemmousedown。
  5. itemmousemove When the user iteracts with a marker.
  6. 当用户使用标记进行迭代时,itemmousemoemove。
  7. afterrender Will be triggered when the animation ends or when the series has been rendered completely.
  8. 当动画结束或整个系列渲染完成时,将触发afterrender。

I will make use of the itemmousedown event to capture the clicked slice. Here is my listener method:


series: [{
        itemmousedown : function(obj) {
        alert(obj.storeItem.data['name'] + ' &' + obj.storeItem.data['data1']);

Note that I have placed my listener inside the series and not the chart! Now, the obj variable holds lot of information. For each series, the property to get data will differ. So, you will have to carefully inspect the object using firebug or some other developer tool.


Now, in case of Piecharts, you can get the slice information by using the obj:



Here is the obj from firebug.. enter image description here




I'm using a more selective approach, because I needed to add some custom logic in order to implement drag-and-drop for our charts. So after the chart definition I just add the following:


// Add drag-and-drop listeners to the sprites
var surface = chart.surface;
var items = surface.items.items;
for (var i = 0, ln = items.length; i 

Cheers! Frank


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