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I'm looking for advice on how to dynamically create content in flash based on a database. Initially I was thinking that we would export the database to an XML file and use the built in Actionscript XML parser to take care of that, however the size of the XML file may prove prohibitive.

我正在寻找有关如何基于数据库在Flash中动态创建内容的建议。最初我认为我们会将数据库导出到XML文件并使用内置的Actionscript XML解析器来处理这个问题,但XML文件的大小可能会令人望而却步。

I have read about using an intermediary step (PHP, ASP) to retrieve information and pass it back as something that Actionscript can read, but I would prefer not to do that if possible. Has anyone worked with the asSQL libraries before? Or is there something else that I am missing?


7 个解决方案



Unless you're running your Actionscript on the server side (I doubt that), connecting to a database directly wouldn't be very smart at all. To connect to a database from client side Actionscript you'd have to open your server to accept database connections from everyone, and you'd have to store access data in your swf files and that would be a disastrous combination in case someone disassembles the swf files.


If the size of the XML is prohibitive, you can always split it somehow, or if it is impossible, you can get the data from the server through PHP or anything else running on the server, for example, you'd give the relevant parameters in the request to the PHP file and the server side script then queries the database, builds XML text (that is a subset of the complete data, based on the given parameters) that can be consumed by the Actionscript.




If you plan to deploy your flash content to a website, you should use some sort of backend - otherwise you would have a potential security problem. I use remoting with AMFPHP, it has worked out really well.

如果您计划将Flash内容部署到网站,则应使用某种后端 - 否则您可能会遇到潜在的安全问题。我使用AMFPHP进行远程处理,效果非常好。



Use a server-side language like PHP w/MySQL to write a text file or XML file that Flash can understand. in turn, when sending variables use ActionScript to send the variables to a PHP form parser that loads it to the server.

使用PHP w / MySQL等服务器端语言编写Flash可以理解的文本文件或XML文件。反过来,当发送变量时,使用ActionScript将变量发送到PHP表单解析器,将其加载到服务器。

I don't have any examples to show you right now, but that would certainly be a workaround to getting FlashCon or some other product, and you can get started right away. Check out some XML and PHP code sites -- you'll probably run into someone who has already solved your problem.

我现在没有任何示例向您展示,但这肯定是获取FlashCon或其他产品的一种解决方法,您可以立即开始使用。查看一些XML和PHP代码站点 - 您可能遇到已经解决了问题的人。



The general practice that I've experienced is that if it's something like a config file or just a really small amount of data then you could probably get away with just having an XML file on the server with your SWF files.


If you want the data to be more dynamic or you anticipate changing it quite often I would definitely do as Nouveau has already said and use PHP or a similiar technology to output database queries into an XML structure for your flash to load.


If there is a lot of data however and you are really noticing your program choking or lagging on loading up the XML in that format I would definitely recommend remoting like Kristian has suggested, AMFPHP seems to be one of the more popular choices.


Check out grapefrukt's answer to another question about flash and database interaction
Does Adobe Flash support databases?

查看grapefrukt对另一个关于flash和数据库交互的问题的回答Adobe Flash是否支持数据库?



just in case someone doesn't know the guys at midnightcoders have also a robust way for remoting in flash




you can also use swx format wich is an interesting project to send/receive data using swf's wrapers, i personally prefer amfphp but i just commented here for reference purposes




Don't use client side Actionscript to connect directly to the database, unless you're comfortable with the idea of exposing your connection string to anyone.


Use some server side logic to connect to the database instead.


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