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Rokoko’s Motion Library provides Unity users the ability to preview character animations and purchase with just a few clicks without leaving the editor. Visit the Asset Store today to download this plugin!

Rokoko的运动库为Unity用户提供了预览角色动画和只需单击几下即可购买而无需离开编辑器的功能。 立即访问资产商店以下载此插件!

什么是运动库? (What is the Motion Library?)

The Motion Library is an extensive motion asset marketplace that gives you access to AAA-quality character animation natively in the Unity editor. Character animation is time-consuming, expensive, and requires a high level of technical expertise. The Motion Library provides a unique shortcut for Unity users: you can instantaneously preview animations on your characters in existing projects, and purchase with just a few clicks without leaving the editor. This means you can previsualize character interactions, map out scenes, create cut-scenes, and rapidly animate characters in 3D projects with high-quality assets, skipping so many of the expensive steps in a typical animation workflow. It has never been this easy to find and work with motion assets.

运动库是一个广泛的运动资产市场,可让您直接在Unity编辑器中访问AAA质量的角色动画。 角色动画耗时,昂贵且需要高水平的技术专长。 Motion库为Unity用户提供了独特的快捷方式:您可以在现有项目中即时预览角色上的动画,只需单击几下即可购买,而无需离开编辑器。 这意味着您可以在具有高质量资产的3D项目中对角色交互进行预可视化,绘制场景,创建场景并快速为角色设置动画,而跳过典型动画工作流程中的许多昂贵步骤。 查找和使用运动资产从未如此容易。

Unity developers can get access to the plugin, along with a collection of demo motion assets and 3D previews of the entire library of premium motion assets made by Rokoko’s Featured Publishers, including top-tier professional motion capture studios Audiomotion (Star Wars: The Last Jedi, Ready Player One, Horizon Zero Dawn, Dying Light) and Centroid (Assassin’s Creed, Godzilla, Doctor Strange). These partners used professional actors and million dollar mocap systems to create assets that are now available in the Motion Library for as little as $1 per asset with a $10 monthly subscription.

Unity开发人员可以访问该插件,以及演示运动资产的集合以及Rokoko的特色出版商制作的整个高级运动资产库的3D预览,其中包括顶级专业运动捕捉工作室Audiomotion(《星球大战:最后的绝地武士》) ,就绪玩家一,地平线零黎明,垂死之光)和质心(刺客信条,哥斯拉,奇异博士)。 这些合作伙伴使用专业演员和数百万美元的行销记录系统来创建资产,这些资产现在在Motion Library中可用,每个资产的价格低至1美元,每月订购10美元。

运作方式如下 (Here’s how it works)

The Motion Library is a plugin to the Unity editor that allows you to search, preview, and purchase motion assets from the marketplace natively in the editor.


These three key features work as follows:


搜索 (Search)

The Motion Library search bar is placed at the top of the editor and will always be visible to the user. You can search directly for title, publisher or tags/categories, making it easy to find what you need.

运动库搜索栏位于编辑器的顶部,并且始终对用户可见。 您可以直接搜索标题,发布者或标签/类别,从而轻松找到所需内容。


More tutorials can be found here.


预习 (Preview)

After finding a relevant asset, you can preview it either in thumbnail view simply by hovering over it, or you can click the thumbnail to play it full size with options such as camera control, timeline etc. Both preview modes give the option to drag and drop your own characters on the asset to see how the motion will look on your character.


采购 (Purchase)

Motion assets come in different price categories: 1 USD for standard assets, 5 USD for plus assets, and 20 USD for pro assets. Price category is determined by each publisher. Once you add the motion assets you want to your cart in the plugin, you can checkout with your existing Unity account.

运动资产有不同的价格类别:标准资产1美元,正资产5美元,专业资产20美元。 价格类别由每个发布商确定。 将所需的运动资产添加到插件中的购物车后,即可使用现有的Unity帐户进行结帐。

All your purchased assets will be stored for you and can be accessed at any time when you login with your Unity ID. You can find them in the order overview, and download as FBX whenever you need them for a specific project. You also have the option to share your purchased motion assets with team members.

您购买的所有资产都将为您存储,并且在您使用Unity ID登录时可以随时访问。 您可以在订单总览中找到它们,并在需要用于特定项目时将其下载为FBX。 您还可以选择与团队成员共享购买的动议资产。


如何在项目中使用运动库 (How to use Motion Library in your project)

All motion assets on the platform are made to support the standard Mecanim Humanoids in Unity (see this blog post for a description), so if you have a humanoid character, all assets work out of the box with Unity’s retargeting system.

平台上的所有运动资产均支持Unity中的标准Mecanim人形生物(有关说明,请参阅此博客文章 ),因此,如果您具有人形字符,则所有资产都可随Unity的重定向系统一起使用。

Please see this skeleton for reference regarding skeleton and naming:


When buying an asset in the library, you will be able to download it as an FBX file containing only the movement on a skeleton. This means that no mesh and/or characters are included in the FBX files. Some animations come with finger animation as well, which will be shown in the preview and on the tags. Here’s a demo file of a motion asset from the library.

在库中购买资产时,您可以将其作为FBX文件下载,其中仅包含骨骼上的移动。 这意味着FBX文件中不包含网格和/或字符。 手指动画也带有一些动画,这些动画将显示在预览中和标签上。 这是库中运动资产的演示文件 。

You can use these motion assets like you use any other animation asset in a project.


Many have asked us to include an animation rig with IK targets for animation modifications, but as Unity does not support this yet, it will not be included until later. We do, however, recommend you to work with other plugins (such as Puppet3D) or other software tools (such as Maya, MotionBuilder or Blender) if you want to modify the animations.

许多人要求我们在IK目标中包含一个动画装备,以进行动画修改,但是由于Unity目前尚不支持,因此以后将不再包含它。 但是,如果您要修改动画,我们建议您使用其他插件(例如Puppet3D )或其他软件工具(例如Maya,MotionBuilder或Blender)。

特色出版商: (Featured Publishers:)

Behind the assets in the Motion Library are the absolute top motion capture studios in the industry. They are the studios behind the biggest film and game titles in the world, and are providing motion assets directly from their stages to your projects.

运动库中资产的背后是业内绝对顶级的运动捕捉工作室。 他们是全球最大的电影和游戏作品背后的工作室,并直接从舞台到您的项目提供动作资产。

Here is a video featuring one of those featured publishers – internationally renowned Audiomotion Studios based out of Oxford in the UK.

以下是其中一个特色发布者的视频 -位于英国牛津的国际知名Audiomotion Studios。


关于Rokoko以及与Unity的合作关系 (About Rokoko and the partnership with Unity)

Copenhagen/San Francisco based startup Rokoko set out in March 2014 on a journey to make character animation accessible, affordable, and intuitive to all. With Rokoko’s first products, Smartsuit Pro and Smartsuit Studio, they put professional quality motion capture into the hands of creators who never had access before. This journey was perfectly aligned with Unity’s work of democratizing game development, so it was only natural for the two companies to join forces in their shared mission of making expensive tools accessible to the millions of developers on Unity’s platform. See Rokoko’s Smartsuit Pro in action here.

哥本哈根/旧金山的初创公司Rokoko于2014年3月着手进行一项使所有人都能访问,负担得起且直观的角色动画的旅程。 凭借Rokoko的首批产品Smartsuit Pro和Smartsuit Studio,他们将专业质量的运动捕捉功能带到了从未接触过的创作者手中。 这段旅程与Unity使游戏开发民主化的工作完全吻合,因此两家公司共同履行共同的使命,就是使昂贵的工具可供Unity平台上的数百万开发人员使用,这是自然而然的事情。 在此处查看Rokoko的Smartsuit Pro 。


Rokoko, maker of the Motion Library and the Smartsuit Pro, is offering a 10% discount on the Smartsuit Pro for Unity users. Simply email sales@rokoko.com to redeem your discount!

运动库和Smartsuit Pro的制造商Rokoko正在为Unity用户提供Smartsuit Pro 10%的折扣。 只需发送电子邮件至sales@rokoko.com即可兑换折扣!

Visit the Asset Store today and subscribe!


翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2018/09/19/access-the-worlds-largest-marketplace-of-motion-assets/


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