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I constructed the storyboard in the size class "compact width and regular height." when i run it in the iPhone 6 simulator, it looks fine and exactly as it does on the screen. but when i run the app on the iPhone 5 simulator, the images run off the screen. basically all the elements kept their exact size and did not scale down to the smaller screen size of the iPhone 5.

我在尺寸等级“紧凑宽度和常规高度”中构建了故事板。当我在iPhone 6模拟器中运行它时,它看起来很好,就像在屏幕上一样。但是当我在iPhone 5模拟器上运行应用程序时,图像会在屏幕上运行。基本上所有元素都保持其确切的大小,并没有缩小到iPhone 5的较小屏幕尺寸。

likewise, when run it in the iPhone 6plus simulator there is a lot of extra white space.

同样,在iPhone 6plus模拟器中运行它时会有很多额外的空白区域。

how can I fix this? is there an easy fix or do I have to remake all of the storyboards that I've done?


1 个解决方案


Since you are doing it with the IB you need to set aspect fill. Sometimes constraints will complain if you do this so only set ones that won't hurt you.


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