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I am trying to learn about the ELK stack (ElasticSearch, Logstash and Kibana). In an effort to get started, I've been running through the "Getting Started" guide found at http://logstash.net/docs/1.4.0/tutorials/getting-started-with-logstash. I've been following these steps on a Mac OS X Mavericks installation. I did do one thing different, though.

我想了解一下ELK栈(弹性搜索,logstack和Kibana)。为了开始工作,我在http://logstash.net/docs/1.4.0/ tutorials/gettingstartedwith-logstash中找到了“入门”指南。我一直在遵循Mac OS X Mavericks的安装步骤。但我做了一件不同的事。

After downloading the Logstash and Elasticsearch tarballs, I copied their contents into the following locations:


  • Logstash: /Applications/dev/logstash/1.4.0/
  • Logstash:/ / dev / Logstash / 1.4.0 /应用程序
  • Elasticsearch: /Applications/dev/Elasticsearch/1.1.0
  • Elasticsearch:/应用程序/ dev / Elasticsearch / 1.1.0

I then start Elasticsearch using the following command from a terminal:


sudo /Applications/dev/Elasticsearch/1.1.0/bin/elasticsearch

I then start a new terminal window. In that new terminal window, I start Logstash using the following command:


sudo /Applications/dev/logstash/1.4.0/bin/logstash -e 'input { stdin { } } output { elasticsearch { host => localhost } } '

Logstash appears to start just fine. If I enter 'you know, for logs' as mentioned in the getting started guide, I can see the results using POSTMAN. However, I'm stuck on Kibana.


I've downloaded Kibana using the following command:


git clone https://github.com/elasticsearch/kibana.git kibana

I've placed the downloaded files into /Applications/dev/kibana/3.0.0. I'm now stuck on how to actually bring Kibana up in a web browser. I know that somehow I need to serve these files. I see server stuff in this sample. However, I'm not sure if


  1. There is a recommended web server for Kibana
  2. Kibana有一个推荐的web服务器。
  3. How to setup a a web site on a Mac OS X machine. If I were on Windows, I'd just use IIS and point it at my directory. I'm sure there's something similar on Mac OS X. However, I'm not sure what that is.
  4. 如何在Mac OS X机器上设置一个网站。如果我在Windows上,我将使用IIS并将它指向我的目录。我确信Mac OS x上也有类似的东西,但是我不知道那是什么。

Thank you!


3 个解决方案



Kibana 3

Kibana 3

Kibana is a html/Js website. So, you only need to prepare a web server for it! For example, an apache server. Mavericks has already install apache server. After you start apache server, put the kibana folder to the apache document root. Then you can visit Kibana by http://localhost/kibana


Remember to config the the elasticsearch server in config.js.




Kibana 4 has buildin web server. After you start your Kibana, you can directly visit your page at : http://localhost:5601

Kibana 4已经构建了web服务器。启动Kibana之后,可以直接访问页面:http://localhost:5601。



While downloading the packages is perfectly fine, your install can be much easier on OS X if you use homebrew. (http://brew.sh)

虽然下载软件包非常好,但是如果您使用homebrew,您的安装在OS X上可能会更容易。(http://brew.sh)

Simply run:


brew install elasticsearch
brew install logstash

And if you are missing the proper Java JDK or JRE files, homebrew will tell you where to get them from.

如果您缺少合适的Java JDK或JRE文件,homebrew将告诉您从哪里获取它们。

If you are running the OS X Server App (see App Store) and have websites service enabled you can also simply drop the Kibana files into the default website directory:

如果你正在运行OS X服务器应用程序(见App Store),并启用了网站服务,你也可以将Kibana文件放入默认的网站目录中:


or a subdirectory like:



Hope this helps!




  1. I updated to the latest Java Version by downloading JDK Here: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html


  2. Once Java is installed, I installed via brew:


    brew install elasticsearch


    brew install logstash


  3. Download the Kibana binary here for mac: http://www.elastic.co/downloads/kibana

    下载Kibana二进制文件到mac: http://www.tic.co/downloads/kibana。

  4. Extract and run the bin/kibana executable and point your browser to localhost:5601


No need to download any third party servers. Cheers!


UPDATE: Instead of step 3) & 4) You can also install kibana via brew: brew install kibana

更新:而不是第3步)和4)你也可以通过brew安装kibana: brew安装kibana。

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