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I'm not sure if this is possible or not, but can I use CSS/Jquery techniques to create a gradient mesh? Something similar to this enter image description here

我不确定这是否可行,但我可以使用CSS / Jquery技术来创建渐变网格吗?类似的东西

I'd like to randomly generate this mesh and then possibly animate it, so I'm trying to avoid using images. I'm not sure if something like this would even be possible.


I was thinking maybe creating several layers of individual gradients and then layering them all together into a fixed position and changing their opacity settings?


3 个解决方案



At present

I experimented with something along these lines a few years ago, using SVG, the HTML5 canvas tag, and more recently CSS3 gradients. I don't believe there's a natural way to go beyond simple linear or radial gradients at present.


The question is if a mesh gradient can be simulated using only simple linear and radial gradients (which are the only tools available).


Unfortunately, when you combine multiple gradients using opacity or rgba, the colors of the different gradients tend to combine in a way that's not useful, leading to washed-out colors. Avoiding this would require being able to render it in the browser as a single complex gradient.


There are also significant limitations to the shapes the gradients can have -- linear gradients at an arbitrary angle, and elliptical gradients with radial symmetry. Neither allows for free-form, irregular shapes. The 2D transformations that can be applied to the resulting image are fairly regular in nature as well (scaling, skewing, etc).

梯度可以具有显着的局限性 - 任意角度的线性梯度和径向对称的椭圆梯度。也不允许自由形状的不规则形状。可以应用于结果图像的2D变换在性质上也是相当规则的(缩放,倾斜等)。

In the future


The most promising option I'm aware of for the near future is the possible support for mesh gradients in SVG 2.0 (and perhaps diffusion curves as well). If this does happen and it's eventually supported by browsers, that should start to greatly expand the options. And the HTML5 canvas tag and CSS3 may follow soon afterwards.

我不知道在不久的将来最有希望的选择是可能支持SVG 2.0中的网格渐变(也可能是扩散曲线)。如果确实发生这种情况并且最终得到浏览器的支持,那么应该开始大大扩展选项。之后很快就会出现HTML5 canvas标签和CSS3。

And as @vals pointed out in the comment below, WebGL should offer some very promising options (for HTML5 canvas tags using a 3D context).


Related links

  • http://www.svgopen.org/2011/papers/18-Advanced_Gradients_for_SVG/
  • http://w3-org.9356.n7.nabble.com/Diffusion-Curves-td146288.html



I have done a simple layout to demostrate this.


First, I will put 4 divs, the first to show the partial results, and the last to see the final result. The markup is just:


here box is just for dimensions, mesh1 to 3 hold the partial results, in mesh we put it all together.


The CSS is:


.box {
    width: 400px;
    height: 150px;
    position: relative;
    display: inline-block;

.mesh1, .mesh {
    -webkit-linear-gradient(5deg,  rgba(0, 250, 0, 0.5), rgba(0, 100, 0, 0.5))

.mesh:after, .mesh:before {
    content: "";
    position: absolute;
    left: 0px;
    bottom: 0px;
    top: 0px;
    right: 0px;
.mesh2, .mesh:after {
background:   -webkit-radial-gradient(center center, circle cover, rgba(250, 0, 0, 0.6) 0%, rgba(120, 0, 10, 0.5) 100%);}

.mesh3, .mesh:before {
background: -webkit-radial-gradient(10% 10%, ellipse cover, rgba(0, 0, 250, 0.6) 0%, white 100%);}

I am giving to the mesh1 class a background linear, inclinated 5 degrees, and specifying colors in rgba format to allow for transparency.


Then, to be able to overlay more gradients, I specify to pseudo elements as before and after, sharing the same layout properties.


To the after element I give a circular gradient, shared with the mesh2 To the before element I give an elliptical gradient, off center. All of them can be rgba.


At the end, you see in the mesh div the result of overlapping everything


(I have used everywhere the webkit notation to make it short)


I wouldn't say it is much artistic, but I leave this part to you :-)


fiddle here



In my first answer, I interpreted this going more in the "artistic" way than in the "mathematical" way. The answer from Matt Coughlin make me think about a more mathematic answer, in wich we would make the "mesh" part of the requirement more rigorous.

在我的第一个答案中,我认为这更多地是以“艺术”方式而不是“数学”方式。 Matt Coughlin的答案让我想到了一个更加数学化的答案,我们会把这个要求的“网格”部分更加严谨。

That is, we have a matrix of colors, and we want to show this in a grid. If the grid has a spacing of say 100px, then the color [x][y] of the matrix would be given to the pixel in 100x and 100y. The pixels in between would be aproximated in a bilinear way.

也就是说,我们有一个颜色矩阵,我们希望在网格中显示它。如果网格的间距为100px,则矩阵的颜色[x] [y]将以100x和100y的形式给予像素。中间的像素将以双线性方式进行近似。

For such an approach, the css would be:


.mesh { overflow: hidden; position: absolute;   width: 300px;   height: 300px;    }

.tile {    width: 200px;    height: 200px;    position: absolute;    display: block;   }

.tile11, .tile21, .tile31 {
left: -50px;
.tile12, .tile22, .tile32 {
left: 50px;
.tile13, .tile23, .tile33 {
left: 150px;
.tile11, .tile12, .tile13 {
top: -50px;
.tile21, .tile22, .tile23 {
    top: 50px;
.tile31, .tile32, .tile33 {
top: 150px;

.tile11 {
background: -webkit-radial-gradient(center center, 100px 100px, 
      rgba(255, 0, 0, 1) 0%, 
      rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5) 50%,
      rgba(255, 0, 0, 0) 100%);}

.tile12 {
background: -webkit-radial-gradient(center center, 100px 100px, 
      rgba(255, 0, 0, 1) 0%, 
      rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5) 50%,
      rgba(255, 0, 0, 0) 100%);}

I am using every div as a local contributor of the mesh, getting only to "touch" the inmediate neighbour, and going to a full transparency beyond that point.


The result is this :



The 2 first colors are both red as a test. In a perfect system, the line connecting the 2 points should be perfect red all the time.


It's true that it's not a perfect result, but the "muddying" or "washyness" of the result is more or less avoided


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