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I'm using the Artifactory plugin for TeamCity to store artifacts from our builds. The plugin, however, does some things that seem to me to be quite odd, and not TeamCity-ish at all.


The plugin adds a new section to the settings for each build step in my build configuration. This section allows me to specify artifacts to be stored in Artifactory. What is odd, however, is that these settings are particular to each build step; this means that if my build has two build steps, and I set up the first build step to store artifacts, and then view the settings for the second build step, the plugin will not appear to be configured there.


Further confusing the issue is that the documentation specifies that the plugin works with "most" build runner types, and lists several examples: "Maven2, Maven 3, Ivy/Ant (with Ivy modules support), Gradle , NAnt, MSBuild, FxCop and Ipr."

进一步混淆问题的是文档指定插件使用“大多数”构建运行器类型,并列出了几个示例:“Maven2,Maven 3,Ivy / Ant(支持常春藤模块),Gradle,NAnt,MSBuild,FxCop和知识产权“。

My question is, then, which build step should I configure Artifactory for? What if I configure it for a build step that isn't on the list of "working" build runners? Why does the plugin allow/require me to configure it multiple times?


It seems to me that the Artifactory plugin should instead add a new build runner, i.e. "Deploy artifacts to Artifactory", which would give me one supported place to configure it.


1 个解决方案



The TeamCity Artifactory Plugin indeed allows you to attach artifacts deployment, as part of specific steps, instead of the approach of providing one deployment step. One of the reasons for this implementation is to allow different deployment methods, depending on the build tool or technology you're using. For example, when using Gradle, the Artifactory Plugin uses Gradle's APIs deploy the artifacts, thus providing a native method for deployment.

TeamCity Artifactory插件确实允许您附加工件部署,作为特定步骤的一部分,而不是提供一个部署步骤的方法。这种实现的原因之一是允许不同的部署方法,具体取决于您使用的构建工具或技术。例如,使用Gradle时,Artifactory Plugin使用Gradle的API部署工件,从而提供本机部署方法。

Another reason is more flexibility in terms of when in your workflow the deployment should occur. In the common scenario, you'd like your artifacts to be deployed to Artifactory at the end of the build, but that is not always the case. Sometimes you'd like one step, for example a command line step, to run a script that performs a specific job, that results in specific artifacts deployed and tagged in Artifactory. Then you'd like a second step, to consume those artifacts as dependencies and deploy new artifacts to Artifactory. I guess that adding an additional "Artifactory Deployment" step is possible and this is something that can be added in the future. JFrog CLI has become very popular recently and can be easily embedded as a command line step to download, upload and publish build-info to Artifactory.

另一个原因是在工作流程中何时应该进行部署时具有更大的灵活性。在常见的场景中,您希望在构建结束时将您的工件部署到Artifactory,但情况并非总是如此。有时,您需要执行一个步骤(例如命令行步骤)来运行执行特定作业的脚本,从而导致在Artifactory中部署和标记特定工件。然后,您需要第二步,将这些工件作为依赖项使用,并将新工件部署到Artifactory。我想可以添加一个额外的“Artifactory Deployment”步骤,这可以在将来添加。 JFrog CLI最近变得非常流行,可以轻松嵌入作为命令行步骤,下载,上传和发布构建信息到Artifactory。

So to answer your question as for which build step you should use with Artifactory, this is up to you and your needs. There are many ways you can plan your build pipeline to work, and I think you should go for the way that makes the most sense for your workflow. I hope this answers your question.


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