x_i , y_i 分别为浮动图像和参考图像第 i 个像素的强度;x_m , y_m 为 浮动图像和参考图像的平均强度。②互信息 Mutual Information (MI)互信息是确定两个图像中相应体素的图像强度之间相似度的另一个度量。当两个图像准确对齐时,互信息最大化。互信息的值是非负且对称。其范围从零开始,可以变化到高值。高互信息值表示不确定性的大幅降低,而零互信息值清楚地表明这两个变量是独立的。由于该方法不需要对两种成像模式中图像强度间关系的性质作任何假设,也不需要对图像作分割或任何预处理,所以被广泛地用于CT/MR、PET/MR等多种配准工作。最大互信息法几乎可以用在任何不同模式图像的配准,特别是当其中一个图像的数据部分缺损时也能得到很好的配准效果。医学图像配准[6][7](参考:Going Deep in Medical Image Analysis : Concepts, Methods, Challenges and Future Directions)相关重要综述文章:
Image registration methods:A survey
Image Registration Techniques:A Survey
Slice-to-volume medical image registration:A survey
A Survey on Deep Learning in Medical Image Analysis
Deep Learning in Medical Image Registration: A Survey
A Survey on Deep Learning in Medical Image Analysis
Deep Learning in Medical Image Analysis
A novel relational regularization feature selection method for joint regression and classification in AD diagnosis
A review of substitute CT generation for MRI-only radiation therapy
Efficient multi-scale 3D CNN with fully connected CRF for accurate brain lesion segmentation
The challenge of mapping the human connectome based on diffusion tractography
Material Presented at ITK Tutorials
Image Registration techniques using MATLAB
Registering Multimodal MRI Images using Matlab.
elastix: a toolbox for rigid and nonrigid registration of images.
niftyreg: a toolbox for doing near real-time robust rigid, affine (using block matching) and non-rigid image registration (using a refactored version of the free form deformation algorithm).
VoxelMorph: A Learning Framework for Deformable Medical Image Registration
Quicksilver: Fast Predictive Image Registration - a Deep Learning Approach
AirLab: Autograd Image Registration Laboratory
其他最新最火的相关开源工具可参考:Papers With Code : Image Registration
其他类型的数据集正在整理中,暂先公开部分医学图像数据集。医学图像公开数据库:github.com/sfikas/medic最新公开的配准数据库及其官方结果分析:MICCAI 2018、2019 MR和超声配准:curious2019 - Grand ChallengeISBI 2019病理图像配准:ANHIR - Grand Challenge
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