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I'm considering dumping boost as a dependency... atm the only thing that I really need is shared_ptr<>, and I can get that from std::tr1, available in gcc suite 4.*

我正在考虑将boost作为依赖项转储... atm我唯一真正需要的是shared_ptr <>,我可以从std :: tr1获得它,可以在gcc suite 4中找到。*

5 个解决方案



AFAIK, all of the distros package V 4.+ nowadays.

AFAIK,现在所有的发行包V 4. +。



It's available on Fedora, installable via "yum" if you didn't pick "Development System" as your default install set. "yum search gcc" to get the package to install.

它可以在Fedora上使用,如果您没有选择“开发系统”作为默认安装集,可以通过“yum”安装。 “yum search gcc”获取要安装的软件包。



These days, I believe most Linux distros do not ship with the development system by default. But I'm pretty sure g++ v4 is the 'standard' development C++ compiler if you install the C++ development environment at all. g++ v3 is usually just available as a special install. For openSUSE 11, gcc 4.3 is the current package installed when you pick the Base Development pattern.

目前,我相信大多数Linux发行版默认情况下不附带开发系统。但是我很确定g ++ v4是“标准”开发C ++编译器,如果你安装C ++开发环境的话。 g ++ v3通常只作为特殊安装提供。对于openSUSE 11,gcc 4.3是您选择Base Development模式时安装的当前包。



That depends on what you mean by ship? If you download and burn a CD or DVD, it will almost certainly be available, but not necessarily installed by default. Some distros (e.g. Fedora) allow choices during the install which will install development tools, but a default install generally does not include them. They are easily installed using whatever package management system the distro supports. Ubuntu includes a package called build-essential which installs gcc, g++, make, etc. so apt-get install build-essential is the first step for doing development on Ubuntu.

这取决于你的意思是什么?如果您下载并刻录CD或DVD,它几乎肯定可用,但默认情况下不一定安装。一些发行版(例如Fedora)允许在安装期间选择安装开发工具,但默认安装通常不包括它们。它们可以使用发行版支持的任何包管理系统轻松安装。 Ubuntu包含一个名为build-essential的软件包,它安装了gcc,g ++,make等。所以apt-get install build-essential是在Ubuntu上进行开发的第一步。



No, on my debian systems I have to install it. But any half-decent system admin should be able to figure out how to install it.


Edit: to be specific it is not always installed by default, but it should be available for most every distro.


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