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I have an iPhone with iOS 8 installed on it, but when I connect it to Xcode 5.1, it doesn't recognize it.

我有一个安装了iOS 8的iPhone,但当我将它连接到Xcode 5.1时,它无法识别它。

7 个解决方案



You need to download the Xcode 6 Beta. It's available in the iOS Developer Center, where you downloaded the iOS 8 Beta.

您需要下载Xcode 6 Beta。它可以在iOS开发人员中心下载,您可以在其中下载iOS 8 Beta。



As with the other answers, it seemed fairly random whether or not my iOS 8 device was being picked up by Xcode 5.1. It appears that it works if you have the iOS 8 device plugged in before you start Xcode 5.1. When you do that, you will get a screen indicating the symbols are being processed:

与其他答案一样,无论我的iOS 8设备是否被Xcode 5.1选中,似乎都是相当随机的。如果您在启动Xcode 5.1之前插入了iOS 8设备,它似乎有效。当您这样做时,您将看到一个屏幕,指示正在处理的符号:

Xcode 5.1 Screenshot

After this completes, the device is selectable. I am pretty sure this needs to be performed with each new beta. That might explain why it appears to suddenly stop working.


If this isn't working for you, make sure you have the latest Xcode 6 Beta to match the iOS 8 Beta version, and connect the device while Xcode 6 is running. The same "Processing Symbol" files process will occur and then Xcode 5.1 seems to work.

如果这对您不起作用,请确保您拥有与iOS 8 Beta版本匹配的最新Xcode 6 Beta,并在Xcode 6运行时连接该设备。将发生相同的“处理符号”文件进程,然后Xcode 5.1似乎工作。



the only decent way to make it work is to create a symbolic link to a folder that contains binary for iOS8. You can make fool Xcode 5.1 saying "yes, iOS 8 is ok." via a symlink:

唯一可行的方法是创建一个包含iOS8二进制文件夹的符号链接。你可以让傻瓜Xcode 5.1说“是的,iOS 8还可以。”通过符号链接:

In my case I have Xcode 5.1 on Mavericks HD, and Xcode 6.0 beta 4 on Yosemite HD.

在我的情况下,我在Mavericks HD上有Xcode 5.1,在Yosemite HD上有Xcode 6.0 beta 4。

I did:

sudo ln -s /Applications/Xcode6-Beta4.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/DeviceSupport/8.0\ (12A4331d) /Volumes/MAVERICKS/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/DeviceSupport/8.0\ (12A4331d)

sudo ln -s /Applications/Xcode6-Beta4.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/DeviceSupport/8.0 \(12A4331d)/Volumes/MAVERICKS/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform /DeviceSupport/8.0 \(12A4331d)

and Xcode 5.1 did work with my iOS8 iphone.

和Xcode 5.1一起使用我的iOS8 iphone。

(note the space before /Volumes/MAVER... )

(注意/ Volumes / MAVER之前的空间......)

PS: for every beta, I have to patch again... :(

PS:对于每个测试版,我必须再次修补...... :(



I have connected my iPhone with iOS 8 installed to Xcode 5.1.First time it doesn't recognize.but when i unplugged device and connect again , Device Recognized. I dont know the reason Anyway i am sure that you can also connect your IOS8 installed device to Xcode5.1 ....

我已将安装了iOS 8的iPhone连接到Xcode 5.1。第一次无法识别。但是当我拔下设备并重新连接时,设备已识别。我不知道原因无论如何我相信你也可以将你的IOS8安装设备连接到Xcode5.1 ....



I've been using Xcode 5 to build on an iOS 8 device just fine. Now all of a sudden, it won't let me anymore.

我一直在使用Xcode 5来构建iOS 8设备。现在突然间,它不会再让我了。



first use xcode6 build on your iPhone5s. second open xcode 5 ,unpluge device and connect again. then device recognized.

首先在iPhone5s上使用xcode6 build。第二次打开xcode 5,拔出设备并再次连接。然后设备被识别。



Open xcode 6 and wait until device is recognised. When done, close xcode 6 and open xcode 5.1 and your device is going to be automatically recognised.

打开xcode 6并等待设备被识别。完成后,关闭xcode 6并打开xcode 5.1,您的设备将被自动识别。

That way you can run your application on a device with iOS 8 with the old xcode.

这样,您就可以在具有旧版xcode的iOS 8设备上运行您的应用程序。

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