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I've been actually searching in a lot of sites how to set a game center leaderboard in Objective-C and finally I got the code but it gave me this message when I open Game Center in my app:




I set all the itunes connect stuff and the leaderboard ID is correct so I decided to open a new Xcode project and write just the game center code in Swift and it worked, the leaderboard appeared and work perfectly.

我设置了所有的itunes connect功能,并且排行榜ID是正确的,所以我决定打开一个新的Xcode项目,用Swift编写游戏中心代码,它成功了,排行榜出现了,并且运行得很好。

I don't know if it's a problem because of Objective-c or what please can anyone help me what it can be so I don't have to write all the app code from Objective-C to Swift?


1 个解决方案



I had this problem today, and in searching for a solution, I found your question posted 18 hours ago. My code worked perfectly as of 2 days ago, but when I viewed a leaderboard or achievements page today (any leaderboard with any app, including live games) I saw the "No Challenges" message. I had "Sandbox mode" enabled in the Settings app.


I signed out of Game Center, turned off Sandbox mode, logged back in, and viewed some leaderboards for live games, and they worked properly. I turned Sandbox mode back on and tested my app again, and this time it worked.


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