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I've been using the (Java) Highlighter for Lucene (in the Sandbox package) for some time. However, this isn't really very accurate when it comes to matching the correct terms in search results - it works well for simple queries, for example searching for two separate words will highlight both code fragments in the results.

我已经使用(Java)Highlighter for Lucene(在Sandbox包中)一段时间了。但是,在匹配搜索结果中的正确术语时,这并不是非常准确 - 它适用于简单查询,例如,搜索两个单独的单词将突出显示结果中的两个代码片段。

However, it doesn't act well with more complicated queries. In the simplest case, phrase queries such as "Stack Overflow" will match all occurrences of Stack or Overflow in the highlighting, which gives the impression to the user that it isn't working very well.

但是,对于更复杂的查询,它不能很好地运行。在最简单的情况下,诸如“Stack Overflow”之类的短语查询将匹配突出显示中所有出现的Stack或Overflow,这给用户留下了不能很好地工作的印象。

I tried applying the fix here but that came with a lot of performance caveats, and at the end of the day was just plain unusable. The performance is especially an issue on wildcard queries. This is due to the way that the highlighting works; instead of just working on the querystring and the text it parses it as Lucene would and then looks for all the matches that Lucene has made; unfortunately this means that for certain wildcard queries it can be looking for matches to 2000+ clauses on large documents, and it's simply not fast enough.


Is there any faster implementation of an accurate highlighter?


3 个解决方案



There is a new faster highlighter (needs to be patched in but will be part of release 2.9)



and a back-reference to this question




You could look into using Solr. http://lucene.apache.org/solr

你可以考虑使用Solr。 http://lucene.apache.org/solr

Solr is a sort of generic search application that uses Lucene and supports highlighting. It's possible that the highlighting in Solr is usable as an API outside of Solr. You could also look at how Solr does it for inspiration.

Solr是一种使用Lucene并支持突出显示的通用搜索应用程序。 Solr中的突出显示可能可用作Solr之外的API。您还可以看看Solr如何为灵感做到这一点。



I've been reading on the subject and came across spanQuery which would return to you the span of the matched term or terms in the field that matched.


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