2.10.3 伪元素::before和::after
- a[herf^=http]::after {
- content:"(" attr(herf) ")";
- }
如今在CSS3中使用“::before”和“::after”越来越多见,例如给链接添加ICON的效果。Font Awesome站点制作的ICON就使用伪元素“::before”和“::after”,下面截取部分代码。
- /* Font Awesome styles
- ------------------------------------------------------- */
- [class^="icon-"]:before,
- [class*=" icon-"]:before {
- font-family: FontAwesome;
- font-weight: normal;
- font-style: normal;
- display: inline-block;
- text-decoration: inherit;
- }
- a [class^="icon-"],
- a [class*=" icon-"] {
- display: inline-block;
- text-decoration: inherit;
- }
- /* makes the font 33% larger relative to the icon container */
- .icon-large:before {
- vertical-align: middle;
- font-size: 1.3333333333333333em;
- }
- .btn [class^="icon-"],
- .nav-tabs [class^="icon-"],
- .btn [class*=" icon-"],
- .nav-tabs [class*=" icon-"] {
- /* keeps button heights with and without icons the same */
- line-height: .9em;
- }
- li [class^="icon-"],
- li [class*=" icon-"] {
- display: inline-block;
- width: 1.25em;
- text-align: center;
- }
- li .icon-large:before,
- li .icon-large:before {
- /* 1.5 increased font size for icon-large * 1.25 width */
- width: 1.875em;
- }
- ul.icons {
- list-style-type: none;
- margin-left: 2em;
- text-indent: -0.8em;
- }
- ul.icons li [class^="icon-"],
- ul.icons li [class*=" icon-"] {
- width: .8em;
- }
- ul.icons li .icon-large:before,
- ul.icons li .icon-large:before {
- /* 1.5 increased font size for icon-large * 1.25 width */
- vertical-align: initial;
- }
- .icon-bullhorn::before {
- content: "\f0a1";
- }
- .icon-beaker::before {
- content: "\f0c3";
- }