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  出售聊天室完整源码,也可定制开发微信小程序。扫码加微信详聊微信小程序开发交流qq群  173683895 、 526474645、581478349;正文:&a


微信小程序聊天室 前后端源码附效果图和数据库结构图 出售聊天室完整源码,也可定制开发微信小程序。扫码加微信详聊

微信小程序开发交流qq群   173683895  、 526474645 、581478349;


微信小程序聊天室 前后端源码附效果图和数据库结构图




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/* 聊天 */

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// pages/index/to_news/to_news.js 
var app = getApp();
var util = require("../../utils/util.js");
var socketOpen = false;
var uuid = '',
  time_ = "1";
var recorder = wx.getRecorderManager();
const innerAudioCOntext= wx.createInnerAudioContext() //获取播放对象var
frameBuffer_Data, session, SocketTask, string_base64;
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    user_input_text: '', //用户输入文字   
    inputValue: '',
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    returnValue: '',
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    add: true,
    cross: false, // is_my: true, text: '12432'   
    allContentList: [{}, {
      is_ai: []
    num: 0
  }, // 页面加载 
  onLoad: function(e) {
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    if (wx, wx.getStorageSync('openid')) {
        login: false
    } else {
        login: true
    let url = app.url + '/show.php'
    util.request(url, 'post', {}, '正在加载···', function(res) {
      for (var i = 0; i  {
    recorder.onStop((res) => {
      console.log('停止录音,临时路径', res.tempFilePath); // _tempFilePath = res.tempFilePath;      
      var x = new Date().getTime() - this.data.voice_ing_start_date
      if (x > 1000) {
          is_my: true,
          audio: res.tempFilePath,
          length: x / 1000 * 30
          allContentList: that.data.allContentList
    recorder.onFrameRecorded((res) => {
      var x = new Date().getTime() - this.data.voice_ing_start_date
      if (x > 1000) {
        console.log('onFrameRecorded  res.frameBuffer', res.frameBuffer);
        string_base64 = wx.arrayBufferToBase64(res.frameBuffer) // console.log('string_base64--', wx.arrayBufferToBase64(string_base64))    
        if (res.isLastFrame) {
          var data = {
            audioType: 3,
            cmd: 1,
            type: 2,
            signType: 'BASE64',
            session: session,
            body: string_base64,
          console.log('that.data.allContentList', that.data.allContentList) // 进行下一步操作     
        } else {
          var data = {
            cmd: 1,
            audioType: 2,
            type: 2,
            signType: 'BASE64',
            session: session,
            body: string_base64
          console.log('录音上传的data:', data)
  }, // 手指松开录音 
  voice_ing_end: function() {
    var that = this;
      voice_icon_click: false,
      animationData: {}
    this.animation = "";
    var x = new Date().getTime() - this.data.voice_ing_start_date
    if (x <1000) {
        title: '提示',
        content: '说话要大于1秒!',
    } else { // 录音停止,开始上传   
  }, // 点击语音图片  
  voice_icon_click: function() {
      voice_icon_click: !this.data.voice_icon_click



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