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I want to debug my plugin with pdb but it doesn't work. I get these errors


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./sublime_plugin.py", line 362, in run_
  File "./useIt.py", line 14, in run
    for region in self.view.sel():
  File "./useIt.py", line 14, in run
    for region in self.view.sel():
  File ".\bdb.py", line 46, in trace_dispatch
  File ".\bdb.py", line 65, in dispatch_line

Has anyone an idea? Or some other way to debug a sublime plugin?


3 个解决方案



The problem is that sys.stdin is not attached to anything normally. But, sys.stdin does work if you start SublimeText2 from a console:


  • On Mac, start the application by locating the executable in the resource bundle by entering the full path in the Terminal:


    /Applications/Sublime\ Text\ 2.app/Contents/MacOS/Sublime\ Text\ 2
  • On Windows, start the application from the Windows Console:


    "C:\Program Files\Sublime Text 2\sublime_text.exe"

    provisional, I have no Windows Sublime Text 2 install so this command line is based on a quick Google


Now the application has a console; but sys.stdout is still redirected to the built-in SublimeText 2 console. You want to start your debugger with the correct stdout, the one still connected to your console. Instead of import pdb; pdb.set_trace(), use:

现在应用程序有了一个控制台;但系统。stdout仍然被重定向到内置的SublimeText 2控制台。您希望使用正确的stdout启动调试器,这个stdout仍然连接到控制台。而不是进口pdb;pdb.set_trace(),使用:

import pdb, sys; pdb.Pdb(stdout=sys.__stdout__).set_trace()

The original console stdout is saved in sys.__stdout__ and by passing that to pdb.Pdb() you get a fully functional pdb session.

原始控制台stdout保存在sys中。__stdout__并将其传递给pdb. pdb(),您将得到一个完全功能的pdb会话。



Working on my plugin, I didn't have much luck with pdb, and "print" is not an efficient debugging experience (for example, if you aren't sure where the defect is, you might add a lot of "print" - and then have to remove them after).


There is a much better alternative if you run Windows. The latest version 2.2 of the Python tools for Visual Studio works great for debugging Sublime plugins. You get all the regular debugging features of Visual Studio and it's a polished experience. Just choose "pluginhost.exe" and the Python debugging engine in the attach dialog. Previous to 2.2, the Python tools did not work properly against Sublime, for example stepping was broken.

如果你运行Windows,还有一个更好的选择。Visual Studio的Python工具的最新版本2.2非常适合调试卓越的插件。您可以获得Visual Studio的所有常规调试特性,这是一种完美的体验。选择“pluginhost。和附加对话框中的Python调试引擎。在2.2之前,Python工具在与Sublime对抗时不能正常工作,例如,step被破坏。

Disclosure: I work in Visual Studio but do not work on these tools. I recently worked with the Python tools developer to fix the bugs I encountered using these tools to write my plugin.

披露:我在Visual Studio工作,但不使用这些工具。我最近与Python工具开发人员合作,修复我使用这些工具编写插件时遇到的bug。

The Community Edition of Visual Studio 2015 is free to individual developers and small organizations. Just make sure you check Python tools in the setup dialog. And, of course, you must be running Windows.

Visual Studio 2015的社区版对个人开发人员和小型组织是免费的。请确保在设置对话框中检查Python工具。当然,你一定是在运行Windows。



Your problem is that sys.stdin and sys.stdout (Edit: stdout goes to the console) are connected into the internals of sublime text - where do you expect to be able to control the debugger?


What you want is a remote debugging interface that interacts through something other than stdio, such as rpdb.


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