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What is the main argument in favor of re-using short keywords (and adding context-dependent meanings) instead of just adding more keywords?


Is it just that you want to avoid breaking existing code that may already be using a proposed new keyword, or is there a deeper reason?


The new "enum class" in C++11 got me thinking about this, but this is a general language design question.

c++ 11中新的“enum类”让我想到了这个问题,但这是一个通用的语言设计问题。

5 个解决方案



Is it just that you want to avoid breaking existing code that may already be using a proposed new keyword, or is there a deeper reason?


No, that's the reason.


Keywords, by definition, are always considered keywords wherever they occur in the source, so they cannot be used for other purposes. Making something a keyword breaks any code that might be using that token as a variable, function, or type name.


The C committee take a different approach and add new keywords using _Reserved names, e.g. _Atomic, _Bool, and then they add a new header (, ) with a nicer macro, so that you can choose whether to include the header to get the name atomic or bool, but it won't be declared automatically and won't break code that happens to be using those names already.

C委员会采用不同的方法,使用_reserve名称添加新的关键字,例如_Atomic, _Bool,然后添加一个新的头( )具有更好的宏,因此您可以选择是否包含header以获得名称atomic或bool,但它不会自动声明,也不会破坏碰巧正在使用这些名称的代码。

The C++ committee don't like macros and want them to be proper keywords, so either re-use existing ones (such as auto) or add context-dependent "keywords" (which are not really keywords, but are "identifiers with special meaning" so they can be used for other things, such as override) or use strange spellings that are unlikely to clash with user code (such as decltype instead of the widely supported typeof extension).




Some old languages did not have keywords at all, in particular PL/1 where


  /* some more code */

was a legal piece of code, but completely unreadable. (Look also into APL as an example of write-mostly programming language, which is completely cryptic to read a few months later, even by the code's original author).


The C and C++ language family have a set of keywords defined by the language specification. But there are very widely used languages with billions of legacy source code lines. If you (or their standardization committee) add a new keyword, there is a chance of collisions with some existing program, and as you guessed and others answered this is bad. So if the standard added for instance enum_class as a new keyword, chances are that someone would already have used it as an identifier, and that entity would be unhappy (to have to change their code when adopting a new C++ standard).

C和c++语言家族有一组由语言规范定义的关键字。但是有非常广泛使用的语言,有数十亿的遗留源代码行。如果您(或者他们的标准化委员会)添加了一个新的关键字,那么就有可能与一些现有的程序发生冲突,正如您所猜测的那样,其他人的回答是不好的。因此,如果为instance enum_class添加了一个新的关键字,那么很有可能有人已经将它用作标识符,而这个实体会不高兴(在采用新的c++标准时,不得不更改其代码)。

Also C++ is widely known to be slowly parsed (in particular, because standard headers like are pulling dozen of thousand lines of source code, and because modules are not in C++ yet, and because the syntax is strongly ambiguous), so complexifying the parser to handle new syntax is not a big deal (parsing C++ has always been horrible anyway). For example the GCC community is working much harder on new optimizations than on new C++ features (apparently, recent features of the C++ standard library requires much work than parsing new syntax), even if the jump from C++03 to C++11 was a huge jump and required a lot of work in the C++ frontend. This is less true for the C++11 to C++14 jump.

c++也被广泛认为是慢慢解析(特别是,因为标准头喜欢 <向量> 拉打几千行源代码,因为模块还没有在c++中,因为语法是强烈模糊),因此复杂化的解析器来处理新语法不是一个大问题(解析c++一直是可怕的)。例如GCC社区是新优化工作更加困难比新的c++特性(显然,最近c++标准库的特点要求比解析新语法)工作,即使从c++ 03跳到c++ 11是一个巨大的跳跃,需要大量的在c++前台工作。对于c++ 11到c++ 14的跳转,情况就不太一样了。

Some other languages (e.g. some dialects of Lisp such as Common Lisp and some Scheme, where you could redefine a let or if macro, and macros in homoiconic languages like these are very different, since operating on ASTs, from the crude textual substitution mechanism in C or C++...) permit the redefinition of existing keywords; read also about hygienic macros. But this can make the source code difficult to understand a few months later.

一些其他语言(如Lisp的一些方言,如Common Lisp和一些计划,你可以重新定义一个让或者宏,在homoiconic和宏语言,像这些都是非常不同的,因为在ast操作,从原油文本替换机制在C或c++…)允许重新定义现有的关键词;还可以阅读有关健康宏的内容。但这可能会使源代码在几个月后难以理解。



I think it's mainly because adding keywords will break existing code that happens to use this keyword in other contexts, as you suggest.




Is it just that you want to avoid breaking existing code that may already be using a proposed new keyword, or is there a deeper reason?


By definition, a keyword is a special token which cannot be used anywhere else; as a result, introducing a keyword breaks any code that happened to use an identifier with the given spelling.


Some languages use the term contextual keyword to refer to spellings that are only interpreted as keyword in specific contexts. If no "wild" identifier could previously be used in this context, then it is guaranteed that the introduction of the contextual keyword will not break existing code. For example, since no identifier can appear immediately after the closing parenthese in a function signature, this is a place where one can introduce so-called contextual keywords (such as override or final).


On the other hand, in places where any identifier was previously allowed, adding a keyword poses a risk. For example:


  • struct H { my_type f; enum { g }; };: the use of enum class rather than a new keyword is because any new word could be mistakenly taken as the start of a data member declaration in this context; only a keyword is unambiguous (in LL(1)), and introducing a new one could break code.
  • 结构H {my_type f;enum { g };};: enum类而不是new关键字的使用,是因为在此上下文中任何新单词都可能被错误地视为数据成员声明的开始;只有关键字是明确的(在LL(1)中),引入一个新的关键字可能会破坏代码。
  • void h() { my_type f; auto x = g(); }: the use of auto rather than a new keyword is because any new word could clash with an existing type. It's a surprising choice still, since it was already a keyword usable in this position in C (defaulting to int type) but its meaning was altered (the justification was the low probability of its usage).
  • 无效h() {my_type f;汽车x = g();}:使用auto而不是new关键字是因为任何新单词都可能与现有类型发生冲突。这是一个令人惊讶的选择,因为在C(默认为int类型)中,它已经是一个关键字,但是它的含义被改变了(理由是它使用的可能性很低)。

As some have mentioned, languages can be designed without keywords entirely (Haskell comes pretty close), or made in a way than keywords can be introduced seamlessly (for example, if every declaration starts by a keyword already, then introducing a new keyword cannot clash). It just so happens than C and C++ where not made so, and indeed many C-like languages.




Mistaken enthusiasm of "less is more". It is thought (incorrectly) that by using fewer keywords, programmers would have to learn less and can be more productive sooner. But this only creates confusion about the syntax.


"Real Perl programmers prefer things to be visually distinct." ---- Larry Wall


In other words, use a keyword for one task only.


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