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I'm beginner in sql. I have created the procedure as follows


create procedure  testprocedure2 as
select 'one'
select 'three'
select 'five'

When I execute query into the database It shows the three result one three five. sql query is exec TEST_ABC_DB.dbo.testprocedure2

当我执行查询到数据库时它显示三个结果一个三五。 sql查询是exec TEST_ABC_DB.dbo.testprocedure2

When I run the same query into the Perl it gives only one record which is one


$sth = $dbh->prepare("exec TEST_ABC_DB.dbo.testprocedure2");
while (@row= $sth->fetchrow_array())  
    print $row[0]."\t";
    print "\n";

I don't know what is the problem. How can I fix it? I hope this answer will help in yesterday's question


3 个解决方案



Through the driver (e.g. DBD::ODBC)

Since you're using DBD::ODBC, you can use more_results provided by that driver to get the results of multiple queries in one execute.

由于您使用的是DBD :: ODBC,因此可以使用该驱动程序提供的more_results在一次执行中获取多个查询的结果。

This is the example they show in the documentation.


do {
   my @row;
   while (@row = $sth->fetchrow_array()) {
      # do stuff here
} while ($sth->{odbc_more_results});

If we want to do this with your example queries, it's pretty much the same. You run your stored procedure, and then proceed with the do {} while construct (note that this is not a block, you cannot next out of it!).

如果我们想对您的示例查询执行此操作,则它几乎相同。您运行存储过程,然后继续执行do {} while构造(请注意,这不是块,您不能接下来!)。

my $sth = $dbh->prepare("exec TEST_ABC_DB.dbo.testprocedure2");

do {
    while (my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array()) {
        print $row[0]."\t";
        print "\n";
} while ($sth->{odbc_more_results});

This should print your expected result.



Some other drivers also provide this. If they do, you can call $sth->more_results instead of using the internals as described below.

其他一些司机也提供这个。如果他们这样做,您可以调用$ sth-> more_results而不是使用内部,如下所述。

Workaround if your driver doesn't support this

There is no way for DBI itself to return the result of multiple queries at once. You can run them, but you cannot get the results.


If you really need three separate queries in your procedure and want all of the results, the answers by Shakheer and Shahzad to use a UNION are spot on.


However, your example is probably contrived. You probably don't have the same amount of columns in each of those queries, and you need to distinguish the results of each of the queries.


We have to change SQL and Perl code for this.


To get that to work, you can insert additional rows that you can later use to map each stack of results to each query.


Let's say the procedure looks like this:


create procedure testprocedure3 as
select 'one'
select 'three', 'three', 'three'
select 'five', 'five', 'five', 'five', 'five'

This is still just one row per query, but it should do as an example. With the UNION approach, it first becomes this:


create procedure testprocedure3 as
select 'one'
union all
select 'three', 'three', 'three'
union all
select 'five', 'five', 'five', 'five', 'five'

If you run this, it might fail. In ANSI SQL a UNION needs to have the same number of columns in all its queries, so I assume SQLServer also wants this. We need to fill them up with NULLs. Add them to all the queries so they match the number of columns in the one with the largest number of columns.

如果你运行它,它可能会失败。在ANSI SQL中,UNION需要在其所有查询中具有相同数量的列,因此我假设SQLServer也想要这样。我们需要用NULL填充它们。将它们添加到所有查询中,以便它们匹配具有最大列数的列中的列数。

create procedure testprocedure3 as
select 'one', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL
union all
select 'three', 'three', 'three', NULL, NULL
union all
select 'five', 'five', 'five', 'five', 'five'

If we now loop over it in Perl with the following code, we'll get something back.


use Data::Dumper;
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("exec TEST_ABC_DB.dbo.testprocedure3");
while ( my $row = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref ) {
    print Dumper $row;

We'll see output similar to this (I didn't run the code, but wrote the output manually):


$VAR1 = [ 'one', undef, undef, undef, undef ];
$VAR1 = [ 'three', 'three', 'three', undef, undef ];
$VAR1 = [ 'five', 'five', 'five', 'five', 'five' ];

We have no way of knowing which line belongs to which part of the query. So let's insert a delimiter.


create procedure testprocedure3 as
select 'one', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL
union all
select '-', '-', '-', '-', '-'
union all
select 'three', 'three', 'three', NULL, NULL
union all
select '-', '-', '-', '-', '-'
union all
select 'five', 'five', 'five', 'five', 'five'

Now the result of the Perl code will look as follows:


$VAR1 = [ 'one', undef, undef, undef, undef ];
$VAR1 = [ '-', '-', '-', '-', '-' ];
$VAR1 = [ 'three', 'three', 'three', undef, undef ];
$VAR1 = [ '-', '-', '-', '-', '-' ];
$VAR1 = [ 'five', 'five', 'five', 'five', 'five' ];

This might not be the best choice of delimiter, but it nicely illustrates what I am planning to do. All we have to do now is split this into separate results.


use Data::Dumper;

my @query_results;
my $query_index = 0;
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("exec TEST_ABC_DB.dbo.testprocedure3");
while ( my $row = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref ) {
     # move to the next query if we hit the delimiter
     if ( join( q{}, @$row ) eq q{-----} ) {

     push @{ $query_results[$query_index] }, $row;

print Dumper \@query_results;

I've defined two new variables. @query_results holds all the results, sorted by query number. $query_index is the index for that array. It starts with 0.

我已经定义了两个新变量。 @query_results保存所有结果,按查询号排序。 $ query_index是该数组的索引。它从0开始。

We iterate all the resulting rows. It's important that $row is lexical here. It must be created with my in the loop head. (You are using use strict, right?) If we see the delimiter, we increment the $query_index and move on. If we don't we have a regular result line, so we stick that into our @query_results array within the current query's index.

我们迭代所有结果行。重要的是$ row在这里是词法。必须使用我的循环头创建它。 (你正在使用use strict,对吗?)如果我们看到分隔符,我们递增$ query_index并继续。如果我们没有常规结果行,那么我们将其粘贴到当前查询索引中的@query_results数组中。

The overall result is an array with arrays of arrays in it.


$VAR1 = [
       [ 'one', undef, undef, undef, undef ]
       [ 'three', 'three', 'three', undef, undef ]
       [ 'five', 'five', 'five', 'five', 'five' ]

If you have actual queries that return many rows this starts making a lot of sense.


Of course you don't have to store all the results. You can also just work with the results of each query directly in your loop.


Disclaimer: I've run none of the code in this answer as I don't have access to an SQLServer. It might contain syntax errors in the Perl as well as the SQL. But it does demonstrate the approach.




The procedure you created is returning 3 result sets. And you are capturing only 1 result. If you are not bother about sets, make them as single result with UNION ALL

您创建的过程返回3个结果集。而你只捕获了1个结果。如果您对集合不感兴趣,请使用UNION ALL将它们作为单个结果

create procedure  testprocedure2 as
select 'one'
union all
select 'three'
union all
select 'five'


If you want to capture multiple resultsets returned from stored procedure, here is a good example explained with MySQL database Multiple data sets in MySQL stored procedures




simple use union all like this then only one table is shown with data.


enter image description here

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