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I'm using CDate to convert a particular date formatted as string to the Excel Date type. I wrote a small UDF for this conversion; however when I run the function as a in-cell function, it returns a number and the calling cells default format is set to Number type. When I manually convert it to Date type, Excel will display the correct date entry.


So, I need to know whether there is a way to set the default format of the calling cell to Date type through my Date conversion macro. Otherwise, the user has to manually change the format of each of cell.




 Function Test()
   Test = CDate("2010/12/23")
 End Function

4 个解决方案



The calling cell is exposed via Application.ThisCell however your going to have to manually format before/after the call as an Excel UDF cannot modify the physical characteristic of a cell.

调用单元通过Application.ThisCell公开,但是您必须在调用之前/之后手动格式化为Excel UDF,无法修改单元格的物理特性。



Perhaps you can run something after the cells have been entered?


Dim c As range
For Each c In ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Cells
    ''Case sensitive
    If c.Formula = "=test()" Then
        c.NumberFormat = "d/mm/yyy"
    End If



It sounds like what you want to do is actually a two-part process: convert a value in a cell (or range of cells) to a date and then display it as a date, as opposed to simply converting a text value that looks like a date to a date value.


If that is the case, then I would recommend modifying Remou's suggestion like so (using UsedRange can be problematic on worksheets containing large amounts of data):


Dim c As Range
For Each c In Selection.Cells
    c.Value = CDate(c.Value)
    c.NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy"
Next c

The user would then need to select the cells to which the formatting should be applied and run the macro; it sounds as though you do not wish this to happen, but I'm not sure that is possible.


Depending on how you want to use the macro, you can add additional checks: for example, you could apply the formatting only to non-blank cells currently formatted as text (c.Value <> "" and c.NumberFormat = "@").

根据您希望如何使用宏,您可以添加其他检查:例如,您可以仅将格式应用于当前格式为文本的非空白单元格(c.Value <>“”和c.NumberFormat =“@” )。



If you return the data as a string and in a format that Excel automatically converts to a date, you can get the cell to format properly.


Function Test() As String
  Test = Format(DateValue("2010/12/23"), "mm/dd/yyyy")
End Function

This works in US Excel, but if you need it to be language agnostic, I think you'll have problems.


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