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本文为捷克马萨里克大学(作者:Bc. Pavol Loffay)的硕士论文,共67页。


The goal of the master’s thesis is todevelop a module for an open source monitoring and management platformHawkular. The module should provide real time predictive capabilities forcollected time series data. Proposed solution should be computationallyefficient and more importantly, it should autonomously select the best timeseries model for given metric. In other words it should work without analyst’sinteraction. The master’s thesis starts with time series theory and analysis ofvarious approaches for time series forecasting. It discusses which models arebest for Hawkular requirements. The implementation chapter focuses on the mostimportant parts like time series models, automatic forecasters and integrationinto Hawkular. The last chapter conducts evaluation of the implemented models.Models are benchmarked against its alternatives from statistical language R.The results show that implemented models are similar to R alternatives from theprediction accuracy perspective.

  1. 引言
  2. 时间序列模型
  3. 分析预测过程
  4. 已有的解决方案
  5. 设计与实现
  6. 实现模型的评估
  7. 结论


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