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Ok seriously struggling here. I am having some problems trying to send a multdimensional array to PHP via ajax. Here's what I have been trying:


To simplify rather than copy paste a wall of code:


    peoplearray[0]  =  [name] => 'john'
                       [age]  => '28'
                       [sex]  => 'Male'
    peoplearray[1]  =  [name] => 'julie'
                       [age]  => '20'
                       [sex]  => 'Female'

    main_array['item'] = 'x';
    main_array['something'] = 'x';
    main_array['another'] = 'x';

I want to get this to php via post. I figured I may aswell just join them together as I am multidimensional anyway thus :


    main_array['peoplearray'] = peoplearray;

now to do the ajax:


// var data = JSON.stringify(main_array);

var send = $.ajax({
        type: "POST",
        cache: false,
        url: "theurl",
        data: {data:main_array} //I do change this `main_array` when using the above stringify!

send.done(function(msg) {

in PHP I am just doing the following right now:


$data= $_POST['data'];

in firebug: (an empty string)


when I have the var data = JSON.stringify(main_array); uncommented I get the following: [][

当我有var data = JSON.stringify(main_array);取消注释我得到以下内容:[] [

if i add $data = json_decode($_POST['data']); to the php I get:

如果我添加$ data = json_decode($ _ POST ['data']);我得到的PHP:

Array ( )

Basically the main_array I realise does not need to be an array and so I can get that stuff across no problem but what I need to do is get the peoplearray over so that I can do some foreach etc... with it in php. Any help would be much appreciated I am sure I am just being stupid!


EDIT: The reasoning behind this is that peoplearray could have 0 or 100 entries so I just need to get it to php so I can foreach it to do the DB inputs. If there is a better approach I would be very grateful to hear it as I am still pretty new to this.


EDIT: Thanks to Nicola's answer everything is passing fine except the important part which is mainarry.peoplearray - it is not appearing in the the return console.log and I cant access it in PHP. Any solutions on this or do I have to put the foreach intelligence in the Javascript and just send everything individually?

编辑:感谢Nicola的回答一切正常,除了mainarry.peoplearray的重要部分 - 它没有出现在return console.log中,我无法在PHP中访问它。任何解决方案或我是否必须将foreach智能放在Javascript中并单独发送所有内容?

2 个解决方案



First of all main_array is not an array but an object because in Javascript there are no associative arrays and for this reason


main_array['peoplearray'] = peoplearray;

is equivalent to


main_array.peoplearray = peoplearray;

and you should declare main_array like this


var main_array = {};

then try to change your function like this:


var send = $.ajax({
        type: "POST",
        dataType: "json",
        cache: false,
        url: "theurl",
        data: {data:main_array} 

and server side


header('Content-type: application/json');
$data= $_POST['data'];
echo json_encode($data);



I got it to work by keeping the peoplearray seperate.


So I did as Nicola said and created mainarray as an object ie. declaring with curlies: {}


The peoplearray I left as an array ie declaring with [], however then name,age&sex fields I created as an object ie. {} and then .push() them into the the peoplearray.

我作为一个数组离开的人员阵列,即用[]声明,然而我创建的名称,年龄和性别字段作为对象即。 {}然后.push()他们进入了人员阵列。

Then the ajax looked as follows:


var send = $.ajax({
        type: "POST",
        dataType: "json",
        cache: false,
        url: "theurl",
        data: {data:main_array, people:peoplearray} 

then with the PHP everything is available in the $_POST, and if you

然后使用PHP,$ _POST中有一切可用,如果你

echo json_encode($people); //or whatever var name it is stored as in the php 

the objects ie name,age,sex properties are shown in the


send.done(function(msg) {

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