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For being a powerful object-oriented programming language, C++ is used almost everywhere including graphics and games section.

Complex features like multiple inheritance, template programming has made the language more powerful.
So if you want to create powerful computer software or games, you should learn C++ properly and effectively.

To the novice programmer, C++ is always more complex and hard programming language than it actually is. I am saying this from my own experience. It is true that C++ is a complex featured programming language. But do not be afraid, once you have realized the importance of all the features of this language, you will feel the pleasure of learning this language.
(对于新手程序员,C++总是更加复杂和艰苦的编程语言,它实际就是这样。我从我自己的经验说这句话的。的确,C ++是一个复杂的功能的编程语言。但是不要害怕,一旦你已经意识到了这种语言的所有功能的重要性,你会觉得学习这门语言的乐趣。)

What IDE Should You Use to Write a C++ Program?
Well, if you are using Windows as your platform and looking for a C++ IDE, then I suggest the Microsoft Visual Studio. It has a fully-featured powerful C++ programming environment. Its various features such as the IntelliSense will help you to write programs more quickly and correctly. Its debugging system will let you correct your program. You will feel comfortable writing C++ program using this IDE.
(你应该使用什么样的IDE来写C ++程序?
这样,如果你使用的是Windows为平台,寻找一个C ++ IDE,那么我建议微软的Visual Studio。它有一个全功能强大的C++编程环境。它的各种功能,如智能感知将帮助您更快速,准确地编写程序。其调试系统将让你纠正你的程序。使用这个IDE编写C ++程序你会感到很舒服。)

How Can You Write a Good C++ Program?
A good program must be sufficiently easy to read, modify and extend. So your program should be easier to read by at least by yourself and there should not be any confusion when reading the program.
(你怎么能写一个好的C ++程序?
If you are not be able to read your program easily, then how can you know whether yours program is going to work or not?

If any portion of your code is looking confusing or disturbing, your mind then deletes it and writes it again properly.

C++ is a case-sensitive programming language. So always be careful about that.
(C ++是一种区分大小写的编程语言。所以,一定要加倍小心这一点。)
The following things will help you to improve readability of your program.

Variable Naming

Use a deserving name for each variable of your program so that it will be easier for you to understand what purpose that variable was made for.

Horrible variable naming can be also a great cause of program bug, at least for a novice programmer.

int Money = 100;
const char* Name = "Shuvo";
printf("%s has only %d taka!\n", Name, Money);

Instead of:

int Var1 = 100;
const char* Var2 = "Shuvo";
printf("%s has only %d taka!\n", Var2, Var1);
Use 'g_' or 'g' prefix for global variable and use 'm_' or 'm' prefix for member variable.

Use different prefix for each data-type such as ‘n’ or ‘i’ for integer variables, ‘f’ for floating type variables, ‘u’ for unsigned type, ‘p’ for any kind of pointers.
Use ‘str’ prefix for string type ( std::string ) variables.

Use of data-type prefix will help you to figure out variables data-type, especially when your Code Editor does not support IntelliSense like feature.

I am not saying that you must have to use those prefix and of course you can use your own variable name prefix that will help you much more than those prefixes.

Function Naming

Use a suitable name for each function of your program so that it will be easier for you to understand what intention the function was made for and what kind of job is doing the function.

Use a different naming style for global and member functions that will help you to remember when you invoke the function. Although you can use the ‘::’ operator of C++ language for that purpose.

Use of Comment
Use comments at any place of your program where there is a possibility of confusion. It will help you remember which statement of your program is written for what purpose. It also helps when you later try to update your source code.

In C++, ‘// …..’ is used for single-line comment and ‘/* ….. */’ is used for multi-line comment.
(在C++中’// …..’ 用于单行注释,’/* ….. */’用于多行注释)

If you are working with several projects, I strongly suggest that you use enough comments inside each project source code.

Keeping the Memory Free
This is the most painful task for a C++ programmer. Novice C++ programmer often forgets to deallocate the allocated memory and this makes a program buggy and memory cost.
(这是一个C ++程序员最痛苦的任务。初学C++程序员经常忘记释放分配的内存,这使得程序缺陷和存储成本。)

So do not let your program crash the user computer as well as your computer. Think more about memory management of your program.

When freeing a pointer, always check whether that pointer actually exists so that reduces program crash. You can do it in this way:

if ( ptr != NULL )
{delete ptr;ptr = NULL;

Instead of:

delete ptr;

Organize Your Project Source Code
If you are going to develop a big project that will need over thousand lines of source code, then do not gather all your source code into a single CPP source file. It will force your C++ compiler to compile the whole source-code even for every little modification.
(如果你要开发将需要超过千行源代码的大项目,那么就不要收集所有的源代码到一个单一的CPP源文件。它会迫使你的C ++编译器编译整个源代码,甚至对每个小的修改。)

Divide your source code into several CPP source and header files. This will let your compiler compile only those source files that you have modified. So it will save your time.

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