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I'm looking for a way to perform a search against multiple models (see this post), and got a couple of answers saying that Thinking Sphinx would be a good match for this kind of thing.


Indeed, it looks sweet, and it seems the application-wide search capability (ThinkingSphinx.search) is close to what I want. But the docs state this will return various kinds of model objects, depending on where a match was found.


I have a models somewhat like this:


  • Employee
  • Company
  • Municipality
  • County

Where employees are linked to County only though Company, which in turn is linked to a Municipality, which in turn is linked to the actual County.


Now as a result from my search, I really only want Employee objects. For example a search for the string "joe tulsa" should return all Employees where both words can be found somewhere in the named models. I'll get some false positives, but at least I should get every employee named "Joe" in Tulsa county.

现在作为搜索的结果,我真的只想要Employee对象。例如,搜索字符串“joe tulsa”应返回所有Employees,其中两个单词都可以在命名模型中的某处找到。我会得到一些误报,但至少我应该让塔尔萨县的每个员工都叫“乔”。

Is this something that can be achieved with built in functionality of Thinking Sphinx?

这是可以通过Thinking Sphinx的内置功能实现的吗?

1 个解决方案



I think what you should do in this case is define associations for your Employee model (which you probably have already), e.g.:


class Employee  :company
  has_one :county, :through => :company

class Company  :municipality

class Municipality 

Edit: I tested the multi-level has_one relationship, and it doesn't work like that. Seems to be fairly complex to model these 4 layers without denormalizing. I'll update if I come up with something. In any case, if you denormalize (i.e. add redundant foreign IDs to all models to your employees table), the associations are straightforward and you massively increase your index generation time. At the same time, it may involve more work to insure consistency.


Once the associations are set up, you can define the Sphinx index in your Employee model, like this:


define_index do
  indexes :name, :sortable => :true
  indexes company(:name),      :as => :company
  indexes municipality(:name), :as => :municipality
  indexes county(:name),       :as => :county

That way the columns in your associations are indexed as well, and Sphinx will automatically join all those tables together when building the index.


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