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I have been working on a ReactJS project where I create most of the components using flexbox layout. Since with react, we can have deeply nested components, so my layout is having nested flexbox layout.


Now my question is, does this have any issue with performance? On a single page, there are many components and each component have 3 to 4 level nested flexbox layout. Will that cause a performance issue?


2 个解决方案



Have done a little test. Rendered 100 components, each with 10 nested layout. With and without flexbox. Here are the code snippets:



@CSSModules(styles, { allowMultiple: true })
export default class TheComponent extends Component {
  render() {
    const { deepNest, flex } = this.props

    return (
{ this.renderComp(deepNest, flex) }
) } renderComp(deepNest, flex) { const flexProperties = [ { justifyContent: "center", alignItems: "center" }, { justifyContent: "flex-start", alignItems: "flex-end" }, { flexDirection: "row" } ] const cOntent= [ "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus interdum quis ligula vel elementum. Integer non rhoncus purus, eget dignissim ante.", "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.", "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus interdum quis ligula vel elementum. Integer non rhoncus purus, eget dignissim ante. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus interdum quis ligula vel elementum. Integer non rhoncus purus, eget dignissim ante." ] if (deepNest > 0 && flex) { return (
{ content[deepNest % 3] }
{ this.renderComp(deepNest - 1, flex) }
) } if (deepNest > 0 && !flex) { return (
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus interdum quis ligula vel elementum. Integer non rhoncus purus, eget dignissim ante.
{ this.renderComp(deepNest - 1, flex) }
) } } }


import TheComponent from "../Component"

@CSSModules(styles, { allowMultiple: true })
export default class WithFlex extends Component {
  constructor(props) {

    this.state = { render: false }

  render() {
    const {render} = this.state

    // number of components to render
    const arr = _.range(100)

    return (
this.setState({render: !render})}> Start Render
{ render && arr.map((i) => ) }
) } }


import TheComponent from "../Component"

@CSSModules(styles, { allowMultiple: true })
export default class WithoutFlex extends Component {
  constructor(props) {

    this.state = { render: false }

  render() {
    const {render} = this.state

    // number of components to renders
    const arr = _.range(100)

    return (
this.setState({render: !render})}> Start Render
{ render && arr.map((i) => ) }
) } }

Results from Chrome dev-tool timeline.


enter image description here


enter image description here


The difference is not that much. Also in flexbox, I put random properties to choose from. So I think it's alright with the performance. Hope it will help other devs.




Old flexbox (display: box) is 2.3x slower than new flexbox (display: flex). Regular block layout (non-float), will usually be as fast or faster than new flexbox since it’s always single-pass. But new flexbox should be faster than using tables or writing custom JS-base layout code. For more info Article1 Article2


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