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I have the command


echo {1..50..2} | ./assn3

and it prints out


The sum of 25 numbers is 625

This is in C and I don't know how ./assn3 reads in what has come from the pipe. Is this in stdin and I use read() or should I be using something else? I am just confused on where the echo goes for assn3 to read it from?


2 个解决方案



The output of echo {1..50..2} is written to the standard output, so using read() on the file descriptor of the standard input in the program the output is piped to will work.

echo {1..50..2}的输出被写入标准输出,因此在程序中使用标准输入的文件描述符上的read()输出通过管道输出将起作用。



The | operator connects the standard output of the command on the LHS to the standard input of the command on the RHS.


The echo command (in Bash 4, not Bash 3) writes the odd numbers from 1 to 49 on a single line to its standard output. The assn3 program must read its standard input to get the data. Underlying everything will be the read() system call, but the program probably uses the standard I/O library (fgets() or getchar() or scanf() or similar functions) to read the data.

echo命令(在Bash 4中,而不是Bash 3中)将单行上从1到49的奇数写入其标准输出。 assn3程序必须读取其标准输入才能获取数据。所有内容都是read()系统调用,但程序可能使用标准I / O库(fgets()或getchar()或scanf()或类似函数)来读取数据。

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