早前接触到Personal Account的时候仅仅认识到Enable Personal Account后,从Account Tab创建Account时就多了一个Personal Account的记录类型,同时创建一条Personal Account记录后随之copy了一份记录到Contact,如果在任意端Account/Contact改了这个Personal Account,两边信息都是同步的。
基于提到的上文你可能产生与我相同的疑问:既然Personal Account里面有内部同步机制确保Account和Contact对像记录是一样的,那么我是不是在任意一个对象上写一个Trigger就能保证两个对象都有相同的效果呢?
1. Business Case:
假如需求是这样的:如果Personal Account的Email里面包含test文本,我们就将改Email值变为invalid@email.com;
2. Test Case1:在Account上写一个Trigger如下:
trigger TestAccountTrigger on Account(before insert, before update) {for(Account acc : (List)Trigger.New) {if(acc.PersonEmail.contains('test')) {acc.PersonEmail = 'invalid@email.com';}}
b、如果我们从第二幅图中点击右边的View Fields,此时打开的对象是Account Fields,而非Contact Fields;
3. Test Case2:在Contact上写一个Trigger如下:
trigger TestContactTrigger on Contact(before insert, before update) {for(Contact con : (List)Trigger.New) {if(con.Email.contains('test')) {con.Email = 'invalid@email.com';}}
4. 上面的内容咱们先放一放,先看一下下边这个图,来增加你对Personal Account的神秘感:
你不难发现神奇的是,用API Name查看插件显示的Email和Phone竟然不一样!!!
1. 对于Personal Account标准字段的同步,Trigger仅需写在Account上即可;
2. Personal Account其实在元数据中是一个包含在Account子节点的标准的单独的对象,一旦开启,会导致Account Fields发生变化,Contact Field无影响,这时Personal Account的记录类型自然会叠加在Account记录类型上;
3. 创建一条Personal Account记录相当于一条记录被不同ID(AccountID / ContactID)所指向;
1. 截至20年11月11日,无法通过提Case给SF Support的方式开启Person Accounts,详见Idea Details —— Ability to log a case using Developer Org for Support (First Class Citizen);
2. 关于记录合并 - Person accounts can be merged only with other person accounts. You can’t merge person accounts that are enabled as portal or community users;
3. 关于自动化触发 - Creating or editing a person account triggers Process Builder processes. Creating or editing a person account triggers account workflow rules;
4. 关于Lead转化 - Leads that don't have a value in the Company field are converted to person accounts. Leads that do have a value in the Company field are converted to business accounts;
5. In Lightning Experience, you can send list emails to person accounts from Contact list views but not Account list views;
6. 关于List View - An admin can show which records are person accounts by adding the Is Person Account field to the list of fields to display. To include or exclude person accounts from a list view, add the Is Person Account field to the filter criteria;
7. 关于合并字段 - You can use the merge field {!Account.IsPersonAccount} to determine whether you are working with a person account or a business account;