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I cannot understand the implementation of inheritance in Google's V8 Javascript engine. It clearly (?) implements an inheritance hierarchy, but seems to completely do away with virtual functions.

我无法理解谷歌的V8 Javascript引擎中继承的实现。它显然(?)实现了继承层次结构,但似乎完全不使用虚拟函数。

This is the inheritance hierarchy as detailed in the objects.h header file:


// Inheritance hierarchy:
// - Object
//   - Smi          (immediate small integer)
//   - HeapObject   (superclass for everything allocated in the heap)
//     - JSReceiver  (suitable for property access)
//       - JSObject
//         - JSArray
// ... and many more entries

Most object types are derived from Object, which is declared as follows:


// Object is the abstract superclass for all classes in the
// object hierarchy.
// Object does not use any virtual functions to avoid the
// allocation of the C++ vtable.
// Since both Smi and HeapObject are subclasses of Object no
// data members can be present in Object.
class Object {
// ... bunch of method declarations and definitions

The relatively simple Smi class is declared next:


class Smi: public Object {
 // methods declarations and static member definitions

and so on.


For the life of me, I cannot understand how can, say, an instance of Smi can be used as an Object; there are no virtual functions and I cannot find overrides in the the implementation file, objects.cc. At 17,290 lines, though, trying to understand what is going on is proving a difficult task.


As another difficulty, I found an ObjectVisitor class in the same header file (this one is more classical; it consists of virtual methods). But I could not find the equivalent Accept(Visitor*) (or similar) method in the Object base class.


What I am asking in concrete is for a minimal example that illustrates how does this inheritance pattern works.


2 个解决方案



The classes in objects.h do not actually define real C++ classes. They do not have any fields. The classes are merely facades to objects managed on the V8 Javascript heap. Hence they cannot have any virtual functions either, because that would require putting vtable pointers into the JS heap. Instead, all dispatch is done manual, via explicit type checks and down casts.

类的对象。h实际上没有定义真正的c++类。它们没有任何字段。这些类只是V8 Javascript堆上管理的对象的外观。因此它们也不能有任何虚函数,因为这需要将vtable指针放入到JS堆中。相反,所有的分派都是手工完成的,通过显式类型检查和下拉类型转换。

The this pointer inside methods isn't real either. For smis, this is simply an integer. For everything else it is a pointer into the V8 heap, off by one for tagging. Any actual accessor method masks this pointer and adds an offset to access the appropriate address in the heap. The offsets of each field is also defined manually in the classes.




Take a look at Object::IsPromise() for a perfect example of how it works:


bool Object::IsPromise(Handle object) {
  if (!object->IsJSObject()) return false;
  auto js_object = Handle::cast(object);
  // Promises can't have access checks.
  if (js_object->map()->is_access_check_needed()) return false;
  auto isolate = js_object->GetIsolate();
  // TODO(dcarney): this should just be read from the symbol registry so as not
  // to be context dependent.
  auto key = isolate->promise_status();
  // Shouldn't be possible to throw here.
  return JSObject::HasRealNamedProperty(js_object, key).FromJust();

The way inheritance is used here is static. That is, type queries are done by a proxy or container (using some hidden magic, that, at a glance looks like they're using references to query a tag), and conversions from Object to a derived class is done by static_cast<>(). In that way, the member functions of the derived class can be called.

这里使用继承的方式是静态的。即类型查询是通过代理或容器(使用一些隐藏的魔法,乍一看像他们使用引用来查询一个标签),和转换从一个派生类对象是通过static_cast <>()。这样的话,派生类的成员函数可以调用。

Note that in the above function, the type query and cast is indirectly performed by the Handle<> class, not by Object or any of its derived classes.


Note also that the functions which accept ObjectVisitor as a parameter are rather uniformly called Iterate, and that these functions all appear on proxies or handles.


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