作者:天黑丶請脱衣 | 来源:互联网 | 2023-10-10 16:08
以前用2440,,2416 ,降低主频和内存频率,功耗下降很明显,
但是现在用S5pv210 奇怪的事情发生了
跑400M 主频设置bootloader为
#define APLL_MDIV 50 //100-->50
#define APLL_PDIV 3
#define APLL_SDIV 1
#define CLK_DIV0_VAL ((0<
在wince 系统OAL 打印主频也是400M ,进入系统也变慢,变卡,大家说说咋回事,难道还有什么开关不成?!
三星wince S5pv210 的BSP,对你很无语啊。
[OAL] APLL_CLK : 400000000 Hz
[OAL] MPLL_CLK : 667000000 Hz
[OAL] EPLL_CLK : 80000000 Hz
[OAL] VPLL_CLK : 54000000 Hz
[OAL] ARM_CLK : 400000000 Hz
[OAL] HCLK_MSYS : 200000000 Hz
[OAL] PCLK_MSYS : 100000000 Hz
[OAL] HCLK_DSYS : 166750000 Hz
[OAL] PCLK_DSYS : 83375000 Hz
[OAL] HCLK_PSYS : 133400000 Hz
[OAL] PCLK_PSYS : 66700000 Hz
9 个解决方案
首先要确认功耗大是哪里产生的,对 CPU 降频不是万能的方法。
如果vpll ,mpll ,epll,apll 全部降低频率才能降低S5pv210 的功耗,那这个处理器的功耗降低也是无解了。S5pv210 android下就没做动态调频的驱动。
在S5pv210 电源管理章节有说明禁用一些时钟和降低频率是能降低功耗的,估计是一些细节的寄存器没修改。
To reduce the dynamic power consumption, S5PV210 uses clock gating and frequency scaling. Clocks in
S5PV210 can be disabled in module-by-module basis. Clock frequency can be lowered when the system is not
required to operate at the maximum frequency.
In NORMAL mode, use module-based clock gating, block-based power gating, and frequency scaling to reduce
power consumption. To reduce dynamic power consumption, clock gating disables clock input to specific module
according to the operating scenario. Clock gating can be done in module-by-module basis.
To reduce static power consumption of a block or power domain (a group of modules), power gating disconnects a
leakage current path. Power gating can be done in block-by-block basis.
Frequency scaling lowers the operating frequency to reduce dynamic power consumption.
In IDLE mode, the CPU clock is disabled internally by entering Standby mode of Cortex-A8. CPU performs WFI
instruction to enter Standby mode. In this mode, Cortex-A8 core is not running, therefore dynamic power of CPU
is reduced. The remaining parts of the chip keep their states in NORMAL mode, that is, clock-gated modules are
still clock-gated and power-gated blocks are still power-gated.