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in linq, .Where takes a Expression> predicate, which I can write in F# as


<@ fun item:'a -> condition @>    // Expr<'a -> bool>

I'm using FSharp.Powerpack to build the expression from a quotation, but what it gives me is a MethodCallExpression. Looking deep, the powerpack code builds the lambda correctly, but wraps it in a Convert call (why is that?). I wonder if casting the argument to the method call (a lambda) would finally give me the Expression> I need.


So the question is why the Convert call, and how to actually get the lambda with the Func signature.


2 个解决方案



One way you can now do this is to take advantage of the fact that F# will perform this conversion automatically when invoking methods on .NET types that expect a Expression>.

现在可以这样做的一种方法是利用f#将在调用. net类型的方法时自动执行此转换,而这种方法期望表达式 >。

I'm not entirely sure when this got added to the language, but certainly with F# 4, you don't need to explicitly convert F# expressions into LINQ ones. If the reason you wanted to do this in the first place was to be able to use IQueryable LINQ APIs (or other expression-based .NET APIs) then it now just works with no effort, e.g.:

我不完全确定这是什么时候添加到语言中,但是在f# 4中,您不需要显式地将f#表达式转换为LINQ。如果您想要这样做的原因是能够使用IQueryable LINQ api(或其他基于expressnet的. net api),那么现在它就可以不费力地工作了,例如:

someEfDataContext.MyEntities.Single(fun e -> e.Id = 42)

just works. Even though this looks like an ordinary lambda (we've not used F#'s expression syntax), this compiles to code that produces an F# expression object, and then passes that to LeafExpressionConverter‌​.QuotationToExpressi‌on to turn it into a LINQ expression object.


But sometimes you'll want to get hold of the LINQ-style expression object directly in F#. (E.g., sometimes it's useful to write an F# function that produces an expression that you'll use in multiple queries.) In that case you can write a helper like this:


type FunAs() =
    static member LinqExpression<'T, 'TResult>(e: Expression>) = e

This looks like it does nothing - it just returns its argument. However, because FunAs is a .NET type, F# will automatically compile any call site that invokes this with a fun expression into code that generates a suitable LINQ query expression. E.g.:


let linqExpr = FunAs.LinqExpression(fun (e:MyEntity) -> e.Id = 42)

Here, linqExpr will be of type Expression>.

这里,linqExpr将是类型表达式 >。

The key to this is that this method is a member of a .NET Type. If you try the exact same thing with an ordinary F# function:


let funAsLinqExpression<'T, 'TResult>(e: Expression>) = e

which seems like it should mean exactly the same thing as FunAs.LinqExpression, you'll find that you can't call it in the same way. E.g., if you try this:


let linqExpr = funAsLinqExpression(fun (e:MyEntity) -> e.Id = 42)

You'll get a (slightly unhelpful) error: 'This function takes too many arguments, or is used in a context where a function is not expected`.


By making this function a member of a .NET type, we can take advantage of F#'s helpful "You seem to be invoking a .NET API that expects a LINQ-style expression, let me take care of that for you" feature.

通过使这个函数成为。net类型的成员,我们可以利用f#的帮助“您似乎正在调用一个期望linq风格表达式的. net API,让我来为您处理”特性。

(It's possible that there's some more explicit way of asking the LINQ compiler to perform this same trick for you without bringing a .NET type into the picture, but I've not found it.)

(可能有一些更明确的方式要求LINQ编译器为您执行相同的技巧,而无需将. net类型引入到图片中,但我没有找到它。)

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