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如何用 Java 中的线程解决死锁?

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/如何使用 java 中的线程解决死锁/

如果两个线程永远相互等待,这种类型的无限等待在 java 中被称为死锁。 Synchronized 关键字是死锁情况的唯一原因,因此在使用 Synchronized 关键字时,我们必须特别小心。死锁没有解决技术,但有几种预防技术可用。


例 1:

Java 语言(一种计算机语言,尤用于创建网站)

// Java program to illustrate Deadlock
// where deadlock occurs
// Importing required packages
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
// Class 1
// Helper class
class A {
    // Method 1 of this class
    // Synchronized method
    public synchronized void last()
        // Print and display statement
        System.out.println("Inside A, last() method");
    // Method 2 of this class
    // Synchronized method
    public synchronized void d1(B b)
            "Thread1 start execution of d1() method");
        // Try block to check for exceptions
        try {
            // Putting the current thread to sleep for
            // specific time using slep() method
        // Catch block to handle the exceptions
        catch (InterruptedException e) {
            // Display the exception on the console
        // Display statement
            "Thread trying to call B's last() method");
        // Calling the method 1 of this class as created
        // above
// Class 2
// Helper class B
class B {
    // Method 1 of this class
    public synchronized void last()
        // Display statement only
        System.out.println("Inside B, last() method");
    // Method 2 of this class
    // Synchronized the method d2
    public synchronized void d2(A a)
        // Display message only
            "Thread2 start execution of d2() method");
        // Try block to check for exceptions
        try {
            // Putting the current thread to sleep for
            // certain time using sleep() method
            // Catch block to handle the exceptions
        catch (InterruptedException e) {
            // Display the exception on the console
        // Display message only
            "Thread2  trying to call A's last method");
        // Again calling the last() method inside this class
// Class 3
// Main class
// Deadlock class which is extending Thread class
class GFG extends Thread {
    // Creating object of type class A
    A a = new A();
    // Creating object of type class B
    B b = new B();
    // Method 1
    public void m1()
        // Starting the thread
        // Calling d1 method of class A
    // Method 2
    // run() method for the thread
    public void run()
        // Calling d2 method of class B
    // Method 3
    // Main driver method
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Creating object of this class
        GFG deadlock = new GFG();
        // Calling m1 method



这里光标永远显示,因为线程进入死锁状态。在上面的程序中,如果我们删除了至少一个同步关键字,那么程序就不会进入死锁状态。因此,synchronized 关键字是死锁情况的主要原因之一。因此,在使用同步关键字时,我们必须特别小心。


  • 使用 Thread.join()方法:如果两个线程无限期地等待对方使用 thread join 完成,我们会得到死锁。那么我们的线程就要等待另一个线程完成,最好总是使用 Thread.join()方法,最长的时间你要等待线程完成。

  • 使用锁排序:我们必须始终为每个锁分配一个数值,在获取具有较高数值的锁之前,我们必须获取具有较低数值的锁。

  • 避免不必要的锁:我们应该只对那些需要锁的成员使用锁,不必要的使用锁会导致死锁的情况。并且建议使用无锁的数据结构,如果是可以让你的代码免锁。例如,不要使用同步数组列表,而是使用 ConcurrentLinkedQueue。

示例 2: 防止死锁

Java 语言(一种计算机语言,尤用于创建网站)

// Java program to illustrate Deadlock
// where deadlock is pevented from occuring
// Importing required packages
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
// Class 1
// Helper class
class A {
    // Method 1 of this class
    // Synchronized method
    public synchronized void last()
        // Print and display statement
        System.out.println("Inside A, last() method");
    // Method 2 of this class
    // Synchronized method
    public synchronized void d1(B b)
            "Thread1 start execution of d1() method");
        // Try block to check for exceptions
        try {
            // Putting the current thread to sleep for
            // specific time using slep() method
        // Catch block to handle the exceptions
        catch (InterruptedException e) {
            // Display the exception on the console
        // Display statement
            "Thread trying to call B's last() method");
        // Calling the method 1 of this class as created
        // above
// Class 2
// Helper class B
class B {
    // Method 1 of this class
    public void last()
        // Display statement only
        System.out.println("Inside B, last() method");
    // Method 2 of this class
    // Non-synchronized the method d2
    public void d2(A a)
        // Display message only
            "Thread2 start execution of d2() method");
        // Try block to check for exceptions
        try {
            // Putting the current thread to sleep for
            // certain time using sleep() method
            // Catch block to handle the exceptions
        catch (InterruptedException e) {
            // Display the exception on the console
        // Display message only
            "Thread2  trying to call A's last method");
        // Again calling the last() method inside this class
// Class 3
// Main class
// Deadlock class which is extending Thread class
class GFG extends Thread {
    // Creating object of type class A
    A a = new A();
    // Creating object of type class B
    B b = new B();
    // Method 1
    public void m1()
        // Starting the thread
        // Calling d1 method of class A
    // Method 2
    // run() method for the thread
    public void run()
        // Calling d2 method of class B
    // Method 3
    // Main driver method
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Creating object of this class
        GFG deadlock = new GFG();
        // Calling m1 method


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