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We have a start point (x, y) and a circle radius. There also exists an engine that can create a path from Bézier curve points.

我们有一个起点(x, y)和一个圆半径。还有一个引擎可以从Bezier曲线点创建路径。

How can I create a circle using Bézier curves?


9 个解决方案



As already said: there is no exact representation of the circle using Bezier curves.


To complete the other answers : for Bezier curve with n segments the optimal distance to the control points, in the sense that the middle of the curve lies on the circle itself, is (4/3)*tan(pi/(2n)).


formula for n segments

So for 4 points it is (4/3)*tan(pi/8) = 4*(sqrt(2)-1)/3 = 0.552284749831.

因此,4点是(4/3)*tan(/8) = 4*(√2)-1)/3 = 0.552284749831。

4 point case



Covered in the comp.graphics.faq



Subject 4.04: How do I fit a Bezier curve to a circle?


Interestingly enough, Bezier curves can approximate a circle but not perfectly fit a circle. A common approximation is to use four beziers to model a circle, each with control points a distance d=r*4*(sqrt(2)-1)/3 from the end points (where r is the circle radius), and in a direction tangent to the circle at the end points. This will ensure the mid-points of the Beziers are on the circle, and that the first derivative is continuous.
The radial error in this approximation will be about 0.0273% of the circle's radius.


Michael Goldapp, "Approximation of circular arcs by cubic polynomials" Computer Aided Geometric Design (#8 1991 pp.227-238)

Michael Goldapp,“三次多项式圆弧的近似”计算机辅助几何设计(# 81991pp.227 -238)

Tor Dokken and Morten Daehlen, "Good Approximations of circles by curvature-continuous Bezier curves" Computer Aided Geometric Design (#7 1990 pp. 33-41). http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/016783969090019N (non free article)

Tor Dokken和Morten Daehlen,“由曲率连续的Bezier曲线的良好近似”计算机辅助几何设计(#7 1990 pp. 33-41)。http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/016783969090019N(非免费的文章)

Also see the non-paywalled article at http://spencermortensen.com/articles/bezier-circle/


Browsers and Canvas Element.

Note that some browsers use Bezier curves to their canvas draw arc, Chrome uses (at the present time) a 4 sector approach and Safari uses an 8 sector approach, the difference is noticeable only at high resolution, because of that 0.0273%, and also only truly visible when arcs are drawn in parallel and out of phase, you'll notice the arcs oscillate from a true circle. The effect is also more noticeable when the curve is animating around it's radial center, 600px radius is usually the size where it will make a difference.


Certain drawing API's don't have true arc rendering so they also use Bezier curves, for example the Flash platform has no arc drawing api, so any frameworks that offer arcs are generally using the same Bezier curve approach.


Note that SVG engines within browsers may use a different drawing method.


Other platforms

Whatever platform you are trying to use, it's worth checking to see how arc drawing is done, so you can predict visual errors like this, and adapt.




The answers to the question are very good, so there's little to add. Inspired by that I started to make an experiment to visually confirm the solution, starting with with four Bézier curves, reducing the number of curves to one. Amazingly I found out that with three Bézier curves the circle looked good enough for me, but the construction is a bit tricky. Actually I used Inkscape to place the black 1-pixel-wide Bézier approximation over a red 3-pixel-wide circle (as produced by Inkscape). For clarification I added blue lines and surfaces showing the bounding boxes of the Bézier curves.


To see yourself, I'm presenting my results:


The 1-curve graph (which looks like a drop squeezed in a corner, just for completeness) :enter image description here


The 2-curve graph:enter image description here


The 3-curve graph:enter image description here


The 4-curve graph: enter image description here


(I wanted to put the SVG or PDF here, but that isn't supported)




It is not possible. A Bezier is a cubic (at least... the most commonly used is). A circle cannot be expressed exactly with a cubic, because a circle contains a square root in its equation. As a consequence, you have to approximate.


To do this, you have to divide your circle in n-tants (e.g.quadrants, octants). For each n-tant, you use the first and last point as the first and last of the Bezier curve. The Bezier polygon requires two additional points. To be fast, I would take the tangents to the circle for each extreme point of the n-tant and choose the two points as the intersection of the two tangents (so that basically your Bezier polygon is a triangle). Increase the number of n-tants to fit your precision.




The other answers have covered the fact that a true circle is not possible. This SVG file is an approximation using Quadratic Bezier curves, and is the closest thing you can get: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Circle_and_quadratic_bezier.svg


Here's one with Cubic Bezier curves: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Circle_and_cubic_bezier.svg

这里有一个立方体Bezier曲线:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File: circle_and__bezier .svg。



Many answers already but I found a small online article with a very good cubic bezier approximation of a circle. In terms of unit circle c = 0.55191502449 where c is the distance from the axis intercept points along the tangents to the control points.

已经有很多答案了,但我在网上找到了一篇小文章,里面有一个很好的立方体的近似圆形。单位圆c = 0.55191502449,其中c为轴截距沿切线方向与控制点的距离。

As a single quadrant for the unit circle with the two middle coordinates being the control points. (0,1),(c,1),(1,c),(1,0)

作为单位圆的一个象限,两个中间坐标是控制点。(0,1),(c,1),(1 c),(1,0)

The radial error is just 0.019608% so I just had to add it to this list of answers.


The article can be found here Approximate a circle with cubic Bézier curves




I'm not sure if i should open new question since this is about aproximation but I'm interested in general formula to get control points for Bezier of any degree and I believe it fits within this question. All solutions I found on the web are only for cubic curves or are paid or I don't even understand (I'm not very good at math). So I decided try to solve this on my own. I was study distance of the control point from center of a circle dependent on given angle and so far I found that:


enter image description here

Where N is number of control points for single curve and α is circle arc angle.


For quadratic curve it can be simplified to l ≈ r + r * PI*0.1 * pow(α/90, 2) The PI*0.1 is rather a guess - I didn't calculate perfect value but it's pretty close. This works reasonably good for curve with 1-2 control points giving radius error about 0.2% for cubic curve. For higher degree curves loss of accuracy is noticable. With 3 control points curve look similar to quadratic so obviously I'm miss something but I can't figure it out and this method generally fits my needs for now. Here is demo.

二次曲线可以简化到l≈r + r *π* 0.1 *战俘(α/ 90,2)π* 0.1是猜测,我没有计算但很接近完美的价值。这对1-2控制点的曲线具有相当好的效果,在三次曲线上,半径误差约为0.2%。对于更高的度曲线,精度损失是显而易见的。有3个控制点曲线与二次曲线相似,所以很明显,我错过了一些东西,但我无法确定,这个方法通常适合我现在的需求。这是演示。



Sorry to bring this one back from the dead, but I found this post very helpful along with this page in coming up with an expandable formula.


Basically, you can create a near circle using an incredibly simple formula that allows you to use any number of Bezier curves over 4: Distance = radius * stepAngle / 3

基本上,你可以使用一个非常简单的公式来创建一个近圆,它允许你使用任意数量的Bezier曲线除以4:Distance = radius * stepAngle / 3。

Where Distance is the distance between a Bezier control point and the closest end of the arc, radius is the radius of the circle, and stepAngle is the angle between the 2 ends of the arc as represented by 2π / (the number of curves).

在距离是贝塞尔曲线控制点之间的距离和最近的弧,圆的半径,半径和stepAngle 2的弧之间的角度用2π/(曲线)的数量。

So to hit it in one shot: Distance = radius * 2π / (the number of curves) / 3

所以达到这一箭:距离=半径* 2π/(曲线)/ 3



It's a heavy approximation that will look reasonable or terrible depending on the resolution and precision but I use sqrt(2)/2 x radius as my control points. I read a rather long text how that number is derived and it's worth reading but the formula above is the quick and dirty.

这是一个很重的近似,根据分辨率和精度,看起来是合理的或者可怕的,但是我使用了sqrt(2)/2 x的半径作为控制点。我读了一个很长的文本,这个数字是如何推导出来的,它值得一读,但上面的公式是快速和肮脏的。

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