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I'm trying to implement a table view with scrollable horizontal items (with unknown number of items) like the illustration below:


enter image description here

The UI should behave like so:


  1. At the init state the table cell shows a label and some text and the circle item pops out of the right side
  2. 在init状态下,表单元格显示一个标签和一些文本,圆圈项从右侧弹出
  3. If the users swipes from right to left, the label and text fades out and the horizontal list (inside the cell) takes it's place
  4. 如果用户从右向左滑动,标签和文本就会消失,而水平列表(在单元格内)就会取代它。

I thought about using TableView and dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier and creating a prototype cell, but then I need to remember the list horizontal position and init the cell properly on cellForRowAtIndexPath and that will probably affect performance.


Q: What layout would you use in order to achieve this goal, any input / tutorial would be appreciated


3 个解决方案



Use a UITableView and add a UICollectionView to your reusable tableView cell. UICollectionView works similar to UITableView in that the "items" (like cells) are reusable and instantiated only when they will appear on screen. I did a quick google search for tutorials and found UICollectionView in UITableViewCell. Check that out and a few other StackOverflow questions regarding design and you should be golden.




You can use a ScrollView to put inside your tableview and set the values "Direction lock enabled" and "Paging Enabled" to true for the scrollview.




Using UIScrollView may require heavy effort if there are large amount of UI elements inside each scrollview because you have to instantiate all those upfront. A better solution is to define your custom UITableViewCell which has its own UITableView but rotated in 90 degree for horizontal scrolling. UI elements inside will be created only when they need to be shown by using dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:forIndexPath:. Please see some sample code on how to create a 90 degree rotated table view:


iPhone Tableview Use Cells in Horizontal Scrolling not Vertical

iPhone Tableview使用的单元格是水平滚动,而不是垂直滚动

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