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I had python 2.6.1 because it was old I decide to install python 3.3.2 but, when I type "python" in my mac it prints it is version 2.6.1 and when I type python3 it shows that this is 3.3.2. I installed django 1.6 but when I check, understand that it is installed for old version of python (python 2.6.1). I want to instal it for my python 3.3.2 what should I do? any way to uninstall python 2.6.1 and when I enter python in terminal it's version be 3.3.2? I have mac os 10.6.8

我有python 2.6.1,因为它是旧的,我决定安装python 3.3.2,但是,当我在mac中输入“python”时,它会打印出版本2.6.1,当我输入python3时,它显示这是3.3.2。我安装了django 1.6,但是当我检查时,要知道它是为旧版本的python (python 2.6.1)安装的。我想为我的python 3.3.2安装它,我该怎么做?有没有办法卸载python 2.6.1,当我在终端输入python时,它的版本是3.3.2?我有mac os 10.6.8

4 个解决方案



You could use pip to manage the package for you. If pip is not installed. use


sudo easy_install pip

to install it. Then


pip3 install django

would install django for your python3.




Use python3 to call python version 3 on the command line.


For projects you can use virtual environments:


$ python # this will be version 2
$ python3 -m venv myenv
$ source myenv/bin/activate
$ python # this will be version 3

where myenv will be the folder that hosts the libraries and binaries for that virtual environment. It will automcatically use the python version that was used to initialize this venv - in this case python3. This has the effect that once you activate the venv you can use python there and it will be version 3.




to setup django in pyton3


  1. sudo apt-get install python3-pip
  2. sudo apt-get安装python3-pip
  3. sudo pip3 install virtualenv
  4. sudo pip3 virtualenv安装
  5. virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3.X venv
  6. virtualenv - p /usr/bin/python3.X venv
  7. source venv/bin/activate
  8. 源venv / bin /激活

congrats you have setup python3 django and now have many packages to work with

恭喜您已经安装了python3 django,并且现在有许多包可以使用

Note: X stands for the version of python




To install django for python3, you need to use pip3 instead of pip.


python defaults to python2. pip defaults to pip for python2. So, when you install pip using whatever package manager you have, you are essentially installing pip for python2.

python python2违约。对于python2, pip默认为pip。因此,当您使用任何包管理器安装pip时,您实际上是在为python2安装pip。

To remove Python2: $sudo apt remove python

要删除Python2: $sudo apt,请删除python

To install pip for python3: $sudo apt install python3-pip

要为python3安装pip: $sudo apt安装python3-pip

To install pip for python2: $sudo apt install python-pip

要为python2安装pip: $sudo apt安装python-pip

Note: I am using apt package manager. You should use the package manager for your OS.


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