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Apple Wtach App Grid Pressing Digital Crown
Denys Prykhodov/ShutterstockDenys Prykhodov / Shutterstock

If you’re planning to buy a used Apple Watch, you might want to check its serial number or IMEI number. Using these, you can make sure that everything is on the up and up. Here’s how to find the numbers from your Apple Watch and iPhone.

如果您打算购买二手的Apple Watch,则可能需要检查其序列号或IMEI号。 使用这些,您可以确保一切都正常进行。 这是从Apple Watch和iPhone查找号码的方法。

在Apple Watch上查找序列号和IMEI (Find Serial Number and IMEI on Your Apple Watch)

On your Apple Watch, press the Digital Crown from the watch face to open the apps grid or list.

在Apple Watch上,按表盘上的Digital Crown以打开应用程序网格或列表。

Press the Digital Crown

Here, find and tap on the “Settings” app and then select the “General” option.


Tap on Settings app and then select General

Tap on the “About” option.


Now, scroll down and look for the “Serial Number” and “IMEI” sections. The IMEI number is only available on Apple Watch Series 3 (GPS + Cellular) and higher.

现在,向下滚动并查找“序列号”和“ IMEI”部分。 IMEI编号仅在Apple Watch Series 3(GPS +蜂窝电话)及更高版本上可用。

tap on About to view the serial number and IMEI

If you can’t boot up your Apple Watch, you can also find the serial number on the case.

如果您无法启动Apple Watch,也可以在表壳上找到序列号。

To find the serial number on Apple Watch Series 1 and above (including the Nike+ and Hermès models), remove the portion of the band closest to the Digital Crown from your watch. You’ll find the serial number in the band slot.

要在Apple Watch Series 1及更高版本(包括Nike +和Hermès型号)上查找序列号,请从手表上拆下表带上最靠近Digital Crown的部分。 您会在频段插槽中找到序列号。

Find the Serial number in the band slot

If you’re using the first-generation Apple Watch, you’ll find the serial number on the back of the case, in the periphery of the black circle.

如果您使用的是第一代Apple Watch,您会在表壳背面的黑色圆圈周围找到序列号。

Find the Serial number of Apple Watch on the back case

If you’re buying a used Apple Watch, make sure to check the serial number on both the Apple Watch case and from the Settings app. If they don’t match, then someone might have replaced the case on the Apple Watch, and you should probably stay away from it.

如果您购买的是二手Apple Watch,请确保同时检查Apple Watch机壳和“设置”应用中的序列号。 如果它们不匹配,则可能有人在Apple Watch上更换了表壳,您可能应该远离它。

在iPhone上查找序列号和IMEI (Find Serial Number and IMEI on Your iPhone)

You can also find the Apple Watch serial number and IMEI from the Watch app on the paired iPhone.

您还可以从配对的iPhone上的Watch应用程序中找到Apple Watch序列号和IMEI。

After launching the Watch app, tap on the “My Watch” tab. Here, go to the “General” section.

启动Watch应用程序后,点击“我的手表”选项卡。 在这里,转到“常规”部分。

Tap General

Next, tap on the “About” option.


Tap About

From this screen, look for the serial number or the IMEI number.


Look for the Serial Number in the About section

If you can’t find the serial number from the above options (if you’ve lost your Apple Watch), you’ll also find it on the Apple Watch box or on the original receipt.

如果您无法从上述选项中找到序列号(如果丢失了Apple Watch),也可以在Apple Watch盒子或原始收据上找到它。

If you’ve lost your Apple Watch, you can track it using the Find My app on your iPhone.

如果您丢失了Apple Watch ,则可以使用iPhone上的“查找我的”应用程序对其进行跟踪。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/445977/how-to-find-the-serial-number-and-imei-for-your-apple-watch/

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