作者:阳光碎了围脖_182 | 来源:互联网 | 2014-08-12 22:31
程序员必上的开发者服务平台 —— DevStore
Release: RabbitMQ 3.3.5
Release Highlights
bug fixes
25921 prevent long delays in publishing after a node goes down and network
connections to it time out (since 2.8.3)
26225 26293 greatly reduce the length of time between pause_minority mode
detecting a minority and refusing to accept further publishes
(since 3.1.0)
26313 do not allow clients to override server-configured channel_max
(since 3.3.0)
26159 prevent failure to start if memory monitor cannot determine total
system memory (since 1.7.1)
26290 correctly read /proc/meminfo on Linux even if rows do not contain
colons (issue with certain vendor kernels) (since 1.7.1)
26311 provide a mechanism for diagnosing stuck processes
building & packaging
bug fixes
26322 add loopback_users to the sample configuration file (since 3.3.0)
management plugin
bug fixes
26072 provide unminimised versions of all bundled Javascript libraries.
Fixes Debian bug #736781. (since 2.1.0)
management visualiser plugin
bug fixes
26072 provide unminimised versions of all bundled Javascript libraries.
Fixes Debian bug #736781. (since 2.1.0)
federation plugin
bug fixes
26272 ensure changes to cluster name are picked up promptly and thus fix
cycle detection on cluster name change (since 3.3.0)
26292 ensure that federation links apply the defined reconnect delay under
all circumstances (since 2.6.0)
26299 fix leak when shrinking upstream-set immediately after federation
starts (since 3.0.0)
shovel plugin
bug fixes
26318 prevent dynamic shovel crash using add-forwarding-headers=true
without setting dest-queue or dest-exchange-key (since 3.3.0)
26292 ensure that shovel workers apply the defined reconnect delay under
all circumstances (since 2.0.0)
26328 prevent dynamic shovels from failing over to the new node whenever
a node comes up in a cluster (since 3.3.0)
MQTT plugin
bug fixes
26270 improve error messages on TLS/TCP connection failure (since 3.0.0)
26281 log cleanly closed MQTT connections as we do for AMQP (since 3.0.0)
AMQP 1.0 plugin
bug fixes
26288 fix handling of the symbol type in message content (as used in
content_type and content_encoding) (since 3.1.0)
26288 (also) fix mapping of AMQP 1.0 ttl and creation_time fields to
AMQP 0-9-1 timestamp and expiration fields (since 3.1.0)