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/tmp 的permission是rwxrwxrwt

chmod 0777 /abc       rwxrwxrwx

chmod  777 /abc        rwxrwxrwx

chmod 1777  /abc      rwxrwxrwt

The "t" character in your permission indicates that only the user (and the root) that has created the file inside of /tmp folder can delete/modify that specific file.

suppose chmod 1777 /tmp

here is 2 part

1 and 777

1  mean : this file only be deleted by root, its called sticky bit ( i guess) need to check again

rwx          rwx            rw                 t
owner       group        other           only deleted by root

so this file is user has full access

group has full access

other has read and write

but this file only be deleted by root

以上这篇浅谈linux rwxrwxrwt文件夹属性就是小编分享给大家的全部内容了,希望能给大家一个参考,也希望大家多多支持。

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