作者:手机用户2502909065 | 来源:互联网 | 2014-11-16 09:29
Puma 2.9.2 发布了,Puma是为速度与并发而生的。Puma是一个为Ruby web程序提供高速处理以及HTTP 1.1并发的服务器小型库。它被设计只用来运行Rack程序

该版本修复了 8 个 bug:
* Fix puma-wild handling a restart properly. Fixes #550
* JRuby SSL POODLE update
* Keep deprecated features warnings
* Log the current time when Puma shuts down.
* Fix cross-platform extension library detection
* Use the correct Windows names for OpenSSL.
* Better error logging during startup
* Fixing sexist error messages