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I am attempting to display a video in a responsive design such that the scaling borders blend into the background.


I allow the dimensions of the video element to vary within specified bounds. As a result, when the video playing doesn't fill the actual html element, I get the black padding bars around my video.


Using the css background property I have been able to change the color of the bars shown in Chrome, FireFox, and Opera. I cannot figure out how to change the color shown for Internet Explorer or iOS (ipad).

使用css background属性,我可以更改Chrome,FireFox和Opera中显示的条形颜色。我无法弄清楚如何更改Internet Explorer或iOS(ipad)显示的颜色。

Can anyone help me out with this?


fiddle as requested: http://jsfiddle.net/swaEe/




video {
    width: 500px;
    background: blue;

***_ edit _***

*** _编辑_ ***

This is a better fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/swaEe/40/


The video playback should stay vertically and horizontally centered in the container. I want the "bars" to be transparent or the same color as the container (red in this case...).


6 个解决方案



How about div with css as background? [I'm not familiar with iOS, tasted on IE11]

用css作为背景的div怎么样? [我不熟悉iOS,在IE11上品尝过]



video {
    display: block;
    margin-left: auto;
    margin-right: auto;
    width: 500px;
    height: 240px;
    background: blue;

jsfiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/c9aHf/1/



Solved! Link to the live jsbin: http://jsbin.com/AVOZoXu/9
The edit jsbin to follow the explanation: http://jsbin.com/AVOZoXu/9/edit
I couldn't test it on IE but it should work like a charm.


There is a real problem with iOS. You won't be able to set a background color to the player and the default player size is 150x300 as you can see in Safari Developer Library:

iOS存在一个真正的问题。您将无法为播放器设置背景颜色,默认播放器大小为150x300,如Safari Developer Library中所示:

Because the native dimensions of a video are not known until the movie metadata loads, a default height and width of 150 x 300 is allocated on devices running iOS if the height or width is not specified. Currently, the default height and width do not change when the movie loads, [...]

由于在加载电影元数据之前不知道视频的原生尺寸,因此如果未指定高度或宽度,则在运行iOS的设备上分配默认高度和宽度150 x 300。目前,电影加载时默认的高度和宽度不会改变,[...]

So, what you have to do to remove the black bars is do change the default size and adapt it to the movie size as soon as you can. And yes, we'll need Javascript.


// set height and width to native values
function naturalSize() {
  var myVideo = document.getElementById('theVideo');
  var myCOntent= document.getElementById('content');
  myVideo.height = myVideo.videoHeight;
  myVideo.width = myVideo.videoWidth;

  //if the video is bigger than the container it'll fit
  ratio = myVideo.videoWidth/myVideo.videoHeight;

And now you'll get a video player size of the video as soon as the meta data loads. Since the video doesn't have its black bars anymore, I just had to center it as text.


Oh! And you wanted it to be responsive? Check it out, it doesn't matter the width you set to the #content because naturalSize() checks the ratio and the container's width and sets a smaller height for the video than the original, preventing the black bars appearing in original video height with a smaller width.


The width is controlled with the max-width:100%; property so there's no need to change it manually.


video {

I know, I know, the video doesn't get resized till you have started playing it, but it's the closest you're gonna get on iOS to do what you want. Anyway, I think it's a great solution, I hope it helps you.




I think I've managed to come up with a solution:


The problem is that it seems to be impossible to style these letterboxes cross-browser. So the trick then would be not to have letterboxes, by scaling the video element to the aspect ratio of the video file.


This solution has two potential drawbacks:


  1. it requires Javascript
  2. 它需要Javascript

  3. you need to know the dimensions of the video file and write them into data-attributes


The reason for this is that the browser does not know the dimensions of the video file until it has started loading it. Most browsers do load a few bytes of the video before it is played, but not all - some older versions of Android wait until the user starts playing the video.

原因是浏览器在开始加载视频文件之前不知道视频文件的尺寸。大多数浏览器在播放前会加载几个字节的视频,但不是全部 - 一些旧版本的Android会等到用户开始播放视频。

If you do not care about Android 2.3, waiting for the loadedmetadata event to get videoWidth and videoHeight as jaicabs answer does it is the right way.

如果你不关心Android 2.3,那么等待loadedmetadata事件将videoWidth和videoHeight作为jaicabs的答案,这是正确的方法。

Take a look at this: run fiddle / fiddle editor


We basically do three things:


  1. calculate the aspect ratio of the video
  2. 计算视频的宽高比

  3. resize it so that it fits snugly into its container
  4. 调整它的大小,使其紧贴其容器

  5. center it horizontally and vertically within the container
  6. 在容器内水平和垂直居中

You can now simply set the background-color of the container, and you're done.


I've tested it with iOS 7 on iPhone and iPad, Chrome, Firefox and Safari. No IE testing so far, since I currently don't have my virtual machines handy, but I foresee no problems here for the current IEs.

我已经在iPhone和iPad,Chrome,Firefox和Safari上使用iOS 7进行了测试。到目前为止还没有IE测试,因为我目前没有方便的虚拟机,但我预见到当前的IE没有问题。



  1. remove the inline width/height attributes. You want to use CSS to control your layout!
  2. 删除内联宽度/高度属性。您想使用CSS来控制您的布局!

  3. Use the magic keyword 'auto' for your height
  4. 为你的身高使用魔术关键字'auto'

  5. Make sure to also use a poster with the same aspect ratio of your video
  6. 确保还使用与视频宽高比相同的海报

Here is a fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/swaEe/13/


video {
    width: 500px;
    min-width: 200px;
    max-width: 100%;
    height: auto;



Solved with no JS:


Basically, in both cases removing the height or width setting for the video (for the thin div, I removed the height, and for the short one, the width). Then centered the video elements (horizontal with display:block and then the margin trick, vertical with display:table-cell, and there's probably a better way to do that one).




I know some time has already passed since the question was asked, but I also had to implement a workaround for this problem and would like to share. The problem was similar to OP's, in that the video could be any size or aspect ratio.


If the HTML element is contained within a

which specifies no size at all, the container will automatically fit itself around the video and it will have no black "padding".



Knowing this, we can take advantage of the loadedmetadata event: we don't actually need the video's dimensions for any calculations, but we must wait for this data to load so that the container will resize. As soon as that happens, we can adjust the container's position horizontally and/or vertically.


Here's a fiddle tested in IE11:



Source (in case the fiddle ever becomes unavailable):


.whatever-container {
    position: relative;

.video-container {
    position: absolute;
    opacity: 0;

.video-container > video {
    position: relative;
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;

 * After the video dimentions have been acquired, its container will have
 * resized and we can adjust its position as necessary.
function adjustVideoContainer() {
    console.log("video metadata loaded");
    var videoCOntainer= $(this).parent().filter(".video-container");

    if (videoContainer.length === 0) {
            "adjustVideoContainer() was called but no it wasn't "+
            "wrapped in an appropriate container"
    var cOntainerParent= videoContainer.parent();
    var parentWidth     = containerParent.width(),
        parentHeight    = containerParent.height(),
        cOntainerWidth= videoContainer.width(),
        cOntainerHeight= videoContainer.height();

    if (containerWidth 

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