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用 DIV + CSS3 画小黄人



GitHub传送门: https://github.com/lancer07/css3Minons


首先 先做个标准版的(ps:也就是图中的第一个小黄人)



定义 小黄人 类

.Minion(@width:1;@height:1;@eye:2){    width: 380px * @width;    height:700px * @height;    position:absolute;    margin-top: -100px;    margin-left:-20px;    transform : scale(0.5,0.5);    .hairs{        position:absolute;        top: -40px;        z-index: 3;        width: 100%;        .hair{            background:#000;            width:2px;            height:70px;            position:absolute        }        .hair1{            .hair;            left:45%;            transform:rotate(-20deg);        }        .hair2{            .hair;            left:50%;        }        .hair3{            .hair;            left:55%;            transform:rotate(20deg);        }    }    .body{        overflow: hidden;        background: #fff500;        width: 380px * @width;        position:absolute;        z-index: 1;        height:700px * @height;        border-radius: 180px * @width;    }    .glasses-type{ //眼镜        height:52px;        background:#1f1a17;        width:100%;        position: absolute;        top: 200px;        z-index: 1;    }        .glasses{        z-index: 2;        position:absolute;        background:#dededd;        border:2px solid #1f1a17;        width:150px;        height:150px;        border-radius: 50%;        top: 140px;        &.left-glasses when (@eye = 2){            left:8%;            .ball{                //left : 45%;                animation: eye 1.5s infinite ease;            }        }        &.right-glasses when (@eye = 2){            right:8%;            .ball{                //right:45%;                animation: eye 1.5s infinite ease;            }        }        &.left-glasses when (@eye = 1){            left:50%;            margin-left: -90px;            width: 180px;            height: 180px;            .eye{                width: 150px;                height: 150px;                .ball{                    animation: eye 1.5s infinite ease;                }            }        }        &.right-glasses when (@eye = 1){            display: none;        }        .eye{            background:#fff;            width:120px;            height:120px;            border-radius: 50%;            border:2px solid #1f1a17;            margin:15px auto;            position:relative;            .ball{                background:#8f5444;                width:40px;                height:40px;                border-radius: 50%;                border:2px solid #1f1a17;                position:absolute;                top: 40%;                transition: all .15s linear;                strong{                    display: block;                    width:20px;                    height:20px;                    background:#1f1a17;                    border-radius: 50%;                    position:absolute;                    top: 10px;                    left:10px;                }            }        }    }    .mouth{        width:40%;        height:80px;        background:#fff;        position:absolute;        bottom:42%;        left:30%;        z-index: 1;        border-radius: 120px 120px 40px 40px;        border:2px solid #1f1a17;        overflow:hidden;        animation: up-down 0.5s infinite ease;        .tooths{            .tooth{                border-right:2px solid #1f1a17;                height:100%;                width:0;                position:absolute;            }            .tooth1{                .tooth;                left:25%;            }            .tooth2{                .tooth;                left:50%;            }            .tooth3{                .tooth;                left:75%;            }            .line{                width:100%;                top: 48%;                border-top:3px solid #1f1a17;                position:absolute;            }        }    }    .arm{        position:absolute;        width:50px;        height:400px;        background:#fff500;        border-radius: 50px;        top: 190px;        z-index: 0;        &.left-arm{            left:-20px;            transform:rotate(20deg);        }        &.right-arm{            right:-20px;            transform:rotate(-20deg);        }        .hand{            position:absolute;            bottom:0;            width:60px;            height:60px;            border-radius: 50%;            background:#1f1a17;            left:-5px;        }    }    .cloth{        background:#667ab3;        border-radius: 20px;        bottom:20px;        width:80%;        height:250px;        position:absolute;        z-index: 1;        left:10%;    }    .pocket{        border:2px solid #1f1a17;        border-radius: 5px 5px 30px 30px;        width:100px;        left:50%;        margin-left: -50px;        height:100px;        position:absolute;        z-index: 2;        bottom: 80px;        >p{            background:#1f1a17;            width:50px;            height:50px;            border-radius: 50%;            top: 20px;            left:25px;            position:absolute;            >p{                width:20px;                height:20px;                border:5px solid #667ab3;                transform:rotate(45deg);                position:absolute;                top: 10px;                left:10px            }        }    }    .trousers{        background:#667ab3;        border-radius: 10px 10px 130px 130px;        bottom:0;        width:100%;        height:160px;        position:absolute;        z-index: 1;    }    .straps{        width:40px;        height:150px;        position:absolute;        z-index: 1;        background:#667ab3;        bottom:230px;        &.left-straps{            left:10px;            transform:rotate(-40deg);        }        &.right-straps{            right:10px;            transform:rotate(40deg);        }        .fastener{            background:#1f1a17;            width:20px;            height:20px;            border-radius: 50%;            bottom:10px;            position:absolute;            left:10px;        }    }    .leg{        background:#667ab3;        width:70px;        height:120px;        position:absolute;        bottom:-80px;        &.left-leg{            left:20%;            .footer{                right:-2px;                border-radius: 100px 0 0 20px;            }        }        &.right-leg{            right:20%;            .footer{                left:-2px;                border-radius: 0 100px 20px 0;            }        }        .footer{            background:#1f1a17;            width:100px;            height:50px;            position:absolute;            bottom:0;        }    }}


.minion-1{    z-index: 1;    top: 50px;    left: 0;    .Minion(1,1,2);    }.minion-2{    z-index: 2;    top: 0;    left: 24%;    .Minion(0.88,1.1,1);    }.minion-3{    z-index: 2;    top: 44px;    left: 42%;    .Minion(1.15,1.02,1);    }.minion-4{    z-index: 1;    top: 5px;    left: 67%;    .Minion(1,1.1,2);    }



@keyframes eye {    0% {          transform:rotate(0,0);    }    50% {          transform:translate(70px,0px)    }    100% {          transform:translate(0px,0px)    }}@keyframes up-down {    0% {          transform:rotate(0,0);    }    50% {          transform:translate(0,2px)    }    100% {          transform:translate(0,0)    }}



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