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We are an all Unix shop (Solaris, Linux). This last product cycle I returned to a project lead capacity, and needed to produce a schedule. I asked what tools my managers would accept, and was surprised to hear "text files". My teammate and I gamely tried this, and probably worse, HTML tables, to track the tasks we wanted to size. It was pretty painful.


We then tried a few tools. MrProject is buggy, limited and crashes too frequently. My manager swears that Microsoft Project is inflexible. Whenever they needed to change a task, reassign a resource or rebalance, it generally hosed their plan. So I started looking around on the Internet for a Linux-capable project planning tool. One that sounded interesting is TaskJuggler. It's neat in that the inputs are declarative files. I feel like I'm building a makefile for a project.

然后我们尝试了一些工具。 MrProject太多了,有限并且经常崩溃。我的经理发誓说Microsoft Project不灵活。每当他们需要更改任务,重新分配资源或重新平衡时,它通常就会计划他们的计划。所以我开始在互联网上寻找一个支持Linux的项目规划工具。一个听起来很有趣的是TaskJuggler。它很简洁,因为输入是声明性文件。我觉得我正在为项目构建一个makefile。

However. I have a limited amount of time to devote to evaluating this tool and it seems pretty complex. Before diving into the next product cycle, I'd like to know if TaskJuggler is robust enough, flexible and capable of handling multi-month, multiple resource projects with frequent changes. So I'm calling on all engineers who have had experience with this tool to share their insights. Thanks!


5 个解决方案



TaskJuggler's syntax is rather easy, but do take your time to read the documentation. My experience with TJ:


  • very powerful and expressive syntax
  • 非常强大和富有表现力的语法
  • useful for detailed calculation of large projects
  • 对于大型项目的详细计算很有用

However in reality a manual planning takes into account many implicit constraints, which TJ requires to be made explicit in order to obtain realistic scenario's. This is of course true for every planning tool, but I found it rather cumbersome to add and edit manual constraints in large projects in TJ... Therefore I found it less suited for project tracking and rescheduling afterwards.


I now use OmniPlanner, which is a far simpler tool than TJ and MSProject but turns out to suit my needs (especially in tracking, analysis and reporting).




There is nothing free in project management, and managing a complex project with software is inevitably complex. The real question is, does the chosen tool help with this?


Task Juggler has a learning curve, and in the end is suitable for someone who doesn't mind reading the manual (an absolute necessity for this tool) and isn't tied to graphical input. Task Juggler requires that you think about your project and structure it in a meaningful way. It is helpful if you do a diagram in advance (many TJ users make mind maps and there is a tool out there somewhere to generate TJ input statements from a FreeMind mind map). It is also very helpful if you organize your input file in some meaningful way, making things easy to find.

任务Juggler有一个学习曲线,最终适合那些不介意阅读手册的人(这个工具绝对必要)并且不依赖于图形输入。 Task Juggler要求您考虑您的项目并以有意义的方式构建它。如果你事先做一个图表会很有帮助(很多TJ用户都会制作思维导图,并且有一个工具可以从FreeMind思维导图中生成TJ输入语句)。如果您以一种有意义的方式组织输入文件,使事情易于查找,这也非常有用。

That said, once you get going, creating a project with TJ is super fast. You don't need to bother with a million dialog boxes, you just tell TJ what you want in TJ's text language.


But all of that aside, what I like about TJ (and hated at first, coming from a legacy of other more traditional tools) is that it ensures that your schedule makes sense. OpenProj happily schedules resources at 300% and more. TJ will give you an error and make you fix it. Yes, it's annoying. But the end result is that you have a project schedule that makes sense and can actually be executed. Imagine that!

但除此之外,我喜欢TJ(并且最初讨厌,来自其他更传统工具的遗产)是它确保您的日程安排有意义。 OpenProj愉快地将资源调度为300%甚至更多。 TJ会给你一个错误并让你解决它。是的,这很烦人。但最终的结果是,您有一个有意义且可以实际执行的项目计划。想象一下!

As I started out by saying, nothing's free. TJ requires study and some effort. The reward is rich and copious reporting, all the information you need to manage your project to cost and schedule, and the enforcement of a logical, reliable approach to scheduling and resource allocation. And it doesn't cost $499 or whatever MSP goes for --- it's free.

当我开始说,没有什么是免费的。 TJ需要学习和努力。奖励是丰富而丰富的报告,您需要的所有信息,以管理您的项目成本和计划,以及执行逻辑,可靠的调度和资源分配方法。它不花费499美元或MSP的价格 - 它是免费的。



I have been using taskjuggler for the past 4/5 years now (4 projects with an average duration of a year or more). I find it very useful to create my initial estimates of


  • how long the project will take
  • 项目需要多长时间
  • When will each resource group be freed.
  • 何时释放每个资源组。
  • What if we added more resources with varying level of experience and efficiency to different domains of the project.
  • 如果我们在项目的不同领域添加了具有不同经验和效率的更多资源,该怎么办?

Typically the kind of stuff that upper management will ask you about your schedule can be generated much faster and at a more accurate granularity compared to doing something similar using MS Project or other GUI based tools.

通常,与使用MS Project或其他基于GUI的工具执行类似操作相比,上层管理人员会询问您的日程安排的内容可以更快,更准确地生成。

Till recently I was using taskjuggler to get my initial schedule and using ms excel to track the project.

直到最近我才使用taskjuggler来获取我的初始计划并使用ms excel来跟踪项目。

This is the first time I am using task juggler to actually track the project on a weekly basis. and so far the results look good.




I am using Taskjuggler to develop a very detailed task manager for big movie productions. It's brilliant cause of it's syntax and csv outputs. Screenshot of in-house Planing tool




I have been using it for 1w and love it.


The acceptance test, so to speak, is if you find text/coding more expressive than UI based input. If you do feel comfortable expressing your thinking in a structured language but prefer/expect UI then do not spend time with TaskJuggler.


See http://www.pegasoft.ca/coder/coder_july_2008.html for these remarks like


"Don't expect a nice user interface with an "Add Task" button here." "Even reports must be designed in it's awkward, C-like language"

“不要指望这里有一个很好的用户界面和”添加任务“按钮。” “即使报告也必须设计成尴尬的C语言”

If that is how you think then do not spend time with TaskJuggler.


TaskJuggler is (almost) a DSL for planning. If you do not know what a DSL is then do not spend time with TaskJuggler. Or learn about DSLs. :-)

TaskJuggler(几乎)是用于规划的DSL。如果您不知道DSL是什么,那么不要花时间使用TaskJuggler。或者了解DSL。 :-)

For the rest, try it because it might just put planning in your own hands and take it away from the hands of people who demand it from you only to ask for status.


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